Jul24, 2017

What Really Caused the 2008 Financial Crisis, Part One (Re-Air)

July 24, 2017|Featured Program, Featured-Home, Niki Site, Recent Programs|0 Comments

So, what really caused the 2008 crisis: the failure of capitalism, socialism, too much regulation, too little regulation, Wall Street greed, fraud, corruption, cronyism, stupidity? Or all of the above? Guest, Representative Jeb Hensarling comments, [...]

May8, 2017

Re-Air: Have Dodd-Frank and Other Regulations Been Effective

May 8, 2017|Featured Program, Niki Site, Recent Programs|0 Comments

And the government is looking for ways to dismantle Dodd-Frank. President Trump has said Dodd-Frank rulings aren't working and are making legitimate investing activity more difficult than it should be...." These regulations enshrine too big to fail and encourage risky behavior."