Not-for-Profit Organizations: Under IRS & Legal Scrutiny – Pt 2
In part two of a two part series on community nonprofit organizations, Dennis McCuistion is joined by a panel of experts on the nonprofit sector.
What You Need to Know About Not-for-Profit Organizations – Pt. 1
Community nonprofit organizations are doing acts of service that are necessary for community growth and advancement. Currently, there are 2 million tax exempt organizations across the country and half of them are charitable.
Texas Public Policy Foundation: Response to Health Care Reform
The Texas Public Policy Foundation speaks their opinion on the health care reform bill that made history this weekend, saying that it enables the federal government takeover of America’s health care system.
ObamaCare Health Care Reform: What the real numbers appear to be
Below we have posted (with permission) John Goodman's analysis on ObamaCare health care reform.
The McCuistion Program Premieres on PBS in Las Vegas
The McCuistion Program premieres in Las Vegas on PBS starting February 7th, with the series Twenty Years of McCuistion - Part One: Education and Our Children.
Charles Gasparino’s The Sellout: The Fall of 2008 and the Global Financial System
Charles Gasparino, an acclaimed investigative journalist and CNBC personality, discusses the responsibility and the fall of 2008 and the global financial system.
Is Limited Government an Oxymoron?
In McCuistion TV's discussion on Limited Government, the panelists focus their discussion on the credit crisis, free markets and limited government.
What Is a Libertarian: Libertarianism and the Politics of Freedom
David Boaz with the Cato Institute answers the question, "What is a libertarian?" & discusses issues surrounding libertarianism and the politics of freedom.
Budget Deficits, United States Debt and Taxes
A compelling episode on budget deficits, United States debt and taxes, experts Stephen Moore, Daniel Mitchell and Richard Rahn provide an engaging discussion.
Is Capitalism the Cause or the Solution to the Financial Crisis?
Steve Forbes and Thomas E. Woods join McCuistion TV to discuss whether capitalism is the cause or the solution to the financial crisis.
The Past and Future of Jihadists
Dennis McCuistion is joined once again by Fawaz Gerges to talk about the situation in the Middle East and the past and future of Jihadists.
How America Is Seen in the Arab and Muslim World
During McCuistion Television's, "How America Is Seen in the Arab and Muslim World," Dennis McCuistion is joined by Fawaz Gerges.
Foster Care Problem: Solutions to the Foster Care Crisis – Pt. 2
While there are many serious issues surrounding the foster care problem, it is still a viable solution for the over 500,000 children in foster care homes. Yet one of the major challenges is the insufficiency of qualified homes for children to be placed in.
The Foster Care Problem: Is the foster care system broken? – Part 1
In the United States overall there are approximately 500,000 children in foster care. There are many serious issues surrounding foster care, not the least of which is there are not nearly enough foster care homes for the children in need.
The Digital Economy: Promise and Peril In the Age of Networked Intelligence
In 1996 Don Tapscott, co-author of the Paradigm Shift, wrote, The Digital Economy, predicting the information highway that today has revolutionized how we communicate in every facet of our lives.