Past Programs

Past Programs2023-02-02T01:30:54-05:00
Jan3, 2016

25 Years of McCuistion: The History of Health Care

January 3, 2016|

Healthcare has become ever more complex and expensive with too many citizens not always getting the full healthcare they may need. Still we've come a long way in the treatment of diseases that once meant certain death and in how we treat disease and illnesses.

Dec27, 2015

Is Voter ID a Good Idea?

December 27, 2015|

This episode on Voter ID laws includes participants on both sides of the voter ID debate discussing what is becoming an increasingly divisive issue.

Aug2, 2015

Re-Air: The Legacy of Peter Drucker

August 2, 2015|

In this re-airing of the Peter Drucker series, Dennis McCuistion is joined by guests who knew him well, hired him as their consultant, and highly respected and admired him as a friend and colleague:

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