Past Programs

Past Programs2023-02-02T01:30:54-05:00
Jan28, 2020

Jim Lehrer: A Journalism Icon

January 28, 2020|

Journalism has lost one of its heroes. Jim Lehrer joined us on a few McCuistion programs. Working with him was an honor and an experience we will not soon forget.

Oct31, 2019

Vaccinations: Is there any risk? (2603)

October 31, 2019|

The vaccination issue is a polarized one; with some claiming certain vaccinations are not necessary and in fact cause severe damage to children; some vehemently disagree with this premise and state that it is vaccinations that keep young people healthy.

Oct21, 2019

The “New” Purpose of Corporations (2604)

October 21, 2019|

there is one and only one social responsibility of business, to use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profits so long as it stays within the rules of the game, which is to say, engages in fair competition without deception or fraud.

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