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McCuistion EpisodeProgram ExpertTitleTitleOriginal Airing Date
The Gaza/Palestinian Campus Protests: What Students Think- Corinne Hess
- Zachary Suri
- sophomore at Berkeley University, California
- sophomore at Yale University, New Haven Connecticut
Classical Liberals: Our Founding Fathers Philosophy?- Richard A. Epstein- Tisch Professor of Law at New York University302109/22/2024
Ageism Bias: Are There Solutions?- Ashton Applewhite
- Louise Aronson, M.D.
- Michelle Hough
- Julie Ober Allen
- Activist, Author of This Chair Rocks, A Manifesto Against Ageism, Ted 2017 presenter
- Leading geriatrician, writer, educator, and professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco
- Acclaimed HR professional
- Assistant professor at the University Of Oklahoma
Ageism: The Newest Bias- Ashton Applewhite
- Louise Aronson, M.D.
- Michelle Hough
- Julie Ober Allen
- Activist, Author of This Chair Rocks, A Manifesto Against Ageism, Ted 2017 presenter
- Leading geriatrician, writer, educator, and professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco
- Acclaimed HR professional
- Assistant professor at the University Of Oklahoma
Disinformation: Does It Threaten Democracy?- Michael Mosser
- Lee McIntyre
- University of Texas at Austin associate professor of instruction
- Research Fellow at the Center for Philosophy and History of Science at Boston University, and a Senior Advisor for Public Trust in Science at the Aspen Institute
Curiosity: Your Superpower- Jennifer Zientz, MS, CCC,SLP
- Cassini Nazir
- Director of Programs, Head of Clinical Services Center for Brain Health
- Assistant Professor College of Visual Arts and Design University of North Texas
Re-Air – How To Really See and Be Seen- David Brooks
- Robert Hall
- Author, How to Know a Person: The Art of Seeing Others Deeply and Being Deeply Seen
- Author, This Land of Strangers: The Relationship Crisis That Imperils Home, Work, Politics and Faith
Ben & Me: Leadership Insights from Our Founding Fathers- Eric Weiner- Acclaimed author, and former international correspondent for NPR.401007/21/24
Campus Protests: Rights, Rules & The First Amendment- Jeremi Suri, Ph.D.
- Paul C. Watler
- Professor of history at the University of Texas
- Attorney/Partner, at Jackson Walker, LLP
The Ukraine War – Is the End in Sight?- Ambassador Kay Bailey Hutchison
- David J. Kramer
- Served as the U.S. Ambassador to NATO from 2017 to 2021
- Executive Director of the George W. Bush Institute
Sanctions: Do They Work?- Leon Aron, Ph.D.
- Bruce Jentleson, Ph.D.
- Senior Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, author - "Riding the Tiger: Vladimir Putin’s Russia and the Uses of War"
- professor of Public Policy at Duke University, author - "Sanctions: What Everyone Needs to Know"
Does the US Need “New” Nuclear Weapons?- Sarah Scoles
- Jay Coghlan
- Hans Kristensen
- Science journalist, author of “Countdown: The Blinding Future of Nuclear Weapons.”
- President of Nuclear Watch New Mexico
- Acclaimed HR professional
- Director of the Nuclear Information Project at the Federation of American Scientists
Ageism: The Newest Bias- Ashton Applewhite
- Louise Aronson, M.D.
- Michelle Hough
- Julie Ober Allen
- Activist, Author of This Chair Rocks, A Manifesto Against Ageism, Ted 2017 presenter
- Leading geriatrician, writer, educator, and professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco
- Acclaimed HR professional
- Assistant professor at the University Of Oklahoma
Building Healthy Teens- Jacquelyn Gamino, Ph.D.
- Maria Johnson
- Director of the Brain Health Center’s Adolescent Reasoning Initiative
- Director of Youth & Family Innovations with UTD’s Center For BrainHealth
How Healthy Is Your Brain?- Sandra Bond Chapman, Ph.D.
- Audette Rackley, M.S., CCC-SLP
- Founder and Chief Director of the Center for BrainHealth® at The University of Texas at Dallas
- Assistant Director, Strengths-Based Programs at the Center for Brain Health
Corporate Ethics: Intentional or For Show?- Scott Hensley, E.D.
- Richard Bowen
- Adjunct Professor, Edwin L. Cox Business Leadership Institute, Southern Methodist University
- Citigroup whistleblower, former business chief ynderwriter at Citigroup in 2007
The Mexico Presidential Elections: How Will They Impact U.S.-Mexico Relations?- Duncan Wood
- Xavier Vidal-Medina
- VP Strategy, New Initiatives, Wilson Center Mexico Institute
- Center for Mexican-American Studies at the University of Texas at Arlington
Border Security and Economics: A Worldwide Challenge- Jim Hollifield, Ph.D.
- David Bier
- Ora Nixon Arnold Professor of International Political Economy and Director of the John Goodwin Tower Center for Political Studies at Southern Methodist University
- Cato Institute’s Associate Director of Immigration Studies, He’s the author of the recent CATO report, US Immigration Policy Lags Behind a Globalizing World
Why People Lie: The Science, Psychology & Consequences, PART 2- Christian Hart, Ph.D.
- Yoram Solomon, Ph.D.
- Professor of Psychology at Texas Women’s University and Director of the Human Deception Laboratory
- Author of The Book of Trust and host of The Trust Show Podcast
Why People Lie: The Science, Psychology & Consequences, PART 1- Daniel C. Krawczyk, Ph.D.
- Michael J. Lundie, Ph.D.
- Professor, Department of Psychology, School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences, University of Texas at Dallas
- Staff Cognitive Scientist, Psychological Sciences Group, Research and Development Directorate, Applied Research Associates, Inc.
The Supreme Court: Its Power, Influence and Impact- Richard A. Epstein- Tisch Professor of Law at New York University, and Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution.302003/31/2024
Is Extreme Weather Here To Stay?- Andrew Dessler, Ph.D.
- Joni Carswell
- Peter Girard
- Director, Texas Center for Climate Studies, Texas A&M University. Dr. Dessler studies the science and politics of climate change.
- CEO, Texan by Nature, a non-profit that works as an accelerator for conservation and a strategic resource for industry, and
- VP of External Communications, Climate Central, an independent group of scientists and communicators who research and report the facts about climate change and how it affects people’s lives.
Will Federal Government Debt Destroy the Dollar?- David WalkerFormer head of the Government Accountability Office301602/18/2024
Immortality: Is Death Really Necessary? Part Two- Jose Luis Cordeiro, Ph.D.
- David Wood, Sc.D.
Authors of The Death of Death: The Scientific Possibility of Physical Immortality and its Moral Defense301402/11/2024
Immortality: Is Death Really Necessary? Part One- Jose Luis Cordeiro, Ph.D.
- David Wood, Sc.D.
Authors of The Death of Death: The Scientific Possibility of Physical Immortality and its Moral Defense301302/04/2024
The Geopolitics of Our Border Drug Trade- Dr. Vanda Felbab-Brown
- Dr. Jeffrey Singer
- Senior fellow at Brookings
- Physician and senior fellow in Health Policy Studies at the Cato Institute
Our Youth’s Mental Health Crisis- David Bier
- Lora Ries
- Dany Bahar
- The CATO Institute’s Associate Director of Immigration Studies
- Director of the Heritage Foundation’s Border and Immigration Center
- Nonresident senior fellow at the Brookings Institution and an associate professor of international and public affairs at Brown University
Our Youth’s Mental Health Crisis- Michelle Forbes, MD FAAP
- Kacie Kelly
- Jacquelyn Gamini, Ph.D.
- Chief Medical Officer Catalyst Health Network
- Chief Innovation Officer, Meadows Mental Health Institute
- Director, Adolescent Reasoning Initiative, UTD Center for Brain Health
How To Really See and Be Seen- David Brooks
- Robert Hall
- Author of How to Know a Person: The Art of Seeing Others Deeply and Being Deeply Seen
- Author of This Land of Strangers: The Relationship Crisis That Imperils Home, Work, Politics and Faith
The Sixth Floor Museum and the JFK 60th Anniversary- Stephen Fagin- The Sixth Floor Museum, Curator and Oral Historian, and author of Assassination Commemoration, JFK, and the Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza300711/19/2023
Re-Air: Is Drone Warfare Ethical?- Brianna Rosen, Ph.D.
- Joseph O. Chapa, Ph.D.
- Senior Fellow at Just Security, visiting fellow at the Oxford Institute of Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict
- Lieutenant Colonel U.S. Airforce, Author: Is Remote Warfare Moral?
The Inflation Crisis- John Mauldin- Host of Thoughts from the Frontline292411/05/2023
The Power of Forgiveness- Dr. Frederic Luskin
- Molly Biehl
- Founder and director of the Stanford University Forgiveness Projects, Professor at the Institute for Transpersonal Psychology, Author of Forgive for Good and Forgive for Love
- Older sister, Amy, a Stanford University student, and Fulbright Scholar, was dragged out of her car and brutally killed in a township outside of Cape Town, South Africa in August of 1993
Technology and the Global Struggle for Power- Dr. Jonathan Ward- Founder and president of the Atlas Organization202310/22/2023
Voter Choice: Is It Time for a Third Party?- David Walker- Co-founder of No Labels, former U.S. Comptroller General from 1998 to 2008300510/15/2023
Global Power in the Age of AI- Dr. Paul Scharre- Executive Vice President and Director of Studies at the Center for a New American Security and the author of Four Battlegrounds: Power in the Age of Artificial Intelligence292610/08/2023
The DEA Message: One Pill Can Kill- Special Agent in Charge Eduardo A. Chávez- Drug Enforcement Agency, Dallas Field Division (DEA)300110/01/2023
The Fentanyl Crisis: The Silent Killer- Officer Chris Bianez
- John-Mark Meulman, LPC, LCDC
- Plano Police Department, Crime Prevention Unit
- Program Administrator, Collin County Substance Abuse
What You Need to Know About Fentanyl- Dr. Mark Gamber
- Jeri Horton
- Ryan Vaughn
- Stephanie Vaughn
- EMS Medical Director, Plano Fire-Rescue & Emergency Physician
- Angel Mom Family
- Angel Mom Family
- Angel Mom Family
Re-Air: Can We Trust the Supreme Court?- Hon. Alberto R. Gonzales- Former U.S. Attorney General of the United States, Belmont University College of Law281709/10/2023
RE-Air – ChatGPT: The Next AI “Tool”!- Yoram Solomon, Ph.D.
- Dianna Booher, CPAE
- Gina Carr
- Terry Brock, CPAE
- Author, The Book of Trust
- Author of more than 50 books
- Coach/Consultant
- Podcast and Tech expert
Can We End Homelessness?- Joli Angel Robinson
- Carol Lucky
- President & CEO of Housing Forward
- CEO of North Texas Behavioral Health Authority,
Rough Sleepers: Bringing Healing to the Homeless- Tracy Kidder
- Jim O’Connell, M.D.
- Author of Rough Sleepers
- President of the Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program
The Economics of Travel and Happiness- Eric Weiner- Author of several books, including The Geography of Bliss292007/23/2023
The Attack on Democracy and on Civil Liberties- Moíses Naím, Ph.D.- Former Minister of Trade and Industry for Venezuela292207/16/2023
The EV Battery Challenge- Tony Quiroga
- Steve LeVine
- Editor in Chief of Car and Driver Magazine
- Editor of The Electric, and author of The Powerhouse: America, China and the Great Battery War
The Growing Issues of Homeless Youth- Jorge Baldor
- Dr. Ara Grimaldo
- After8 to Educate Founder and Chairman
- After8 to Educate Executive Director
The Escalating North Korea Challenge- Jenny Town
- Dr. Siegfried Hecker
- Senior fellow and director of the Stimson Center’s 38 North Program which provides in-depth analysis on North Korea
- A leading expert on nuclear issues. Director of the Los Alamos National Laboratory 1986 to 1997. Author of Hinge Points: An Inside Look at North Korea’s Nuclear Program
Do Authoritarians Rule the World? Part Two- Barbara Kolm, Ph.D.
- Robert-Salinas-Leon, Ph.D.
- Director, The Austrian Economics Center; President of the Friedrich August von Hayek Institute
- Director, Center for Latin America at Atlas Network, President of the Mexico Business Forum
Is an EV in Every Garage in Our Future?- Barbara Kolm, Ph.D.
- Robert-Salinas-Leon, Ph.D.
- Director, The Austrian Economics Center; President of the Friedrich August von Hayek Institute
- Director, Center for Latin America at Atlas Network, President of the Mexico Business Forum
Is an EV in Every Garage in Our Future?- Timothy Johnson, Ph.D.
- Robert Bryce
- Professor of the Practice of Energy and Environment at Duke University
- Author of A Question of Power: Electricity and the Wealth of Nations, host of the Power Hungry Podcast
Re-Air: What We Need To Know About Mass Shootings?- Mark Follman
- Katherine Schweit
- Peter F. Langman, Ph.D.
- National affairs editor at Mother Jones, and the author of Trigger Points: Inside the Mission to Stop Mass shootings in America
- etired FBI agent and author of Stop the Killing: How to End the Mass Shooting Crisis, whom the FBI tagged to create their active shooter program, after Sandy Hook
- counseling psychologist and author of Warning Signs: Identifying School Shooters Before They Strike
Building Resilience: Can Adversity Make You Stronger?- Allison Massari
- W. Mitchell, CPAE
- Captain J. Charlie Plumb
- Artist
- Speaker
The Science of Resilience: Nature or Nurture?- Michael Ungar, Ph.D.
- Andrew Nevin, Ph.D.
- The Resilience Research Centre at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia
- Advisory Partner, Chief Economist, PwC, Nigeria, scientist and an economist
The Myth of American Inequality- Phil Gramm- United States Senator, R,1985-2002291204/16/2023
AI: How It’s Changing Our Future- Gopal Gupta, Ph.D.
- Byron Reese
- Bruce Turkel, CPAE
- Erik Johnson Chaired Professor, Department of Computer Science, UT Dallas
- Author and futurist
- Corporate Branding Expert
Chat GPT: The Newest AI “Tool”!- Yoram Solomon, Ph.D.
- Dianna Booher, CPAE
- Gina Carr
- Terry Brock, CPAE
- Author, The Book of Trust
- Author of more than 50 books
- Coach/Consultant
- Podcast and Tech expert
The U.S Saudi Relationship: What’s Next?- Robert Jordan
- Gregory Gause, Ph.D.
- Served as U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia during the two years immediately following the 9/11 attacks. Author of Desert Diplomat: Inside Saudi Arabia Following 9/11
- Professor of International Affairs at the Texas A&M University’s Bush School of Government and Public Service
Cancel Culture: A Political Hot Potato?- Ernest Owens
- Jonathan Rauch
- Award-winning journalist and recent recipient of The Change Makers Award,Author of “The Case for Cancel Culture"
- Senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, Award-winning journalist, Proponent of free speech, Author of “The Constitution of Knowledge: A Defense of Truth.”
The Workplace of Today: What It’ll Look Like Tomorrow- Melissa Goebel
- Jimmy Taylor
- Chief Human Resources Officer for YPO, Inc. (formerly, Young Presidents Organization)
- Executive Director for the Dallas Human Resource Management Association and the HR Southwest Conference
Declassification: The Law, Security, History and Politics- Matthew Connelly
- Richard H. Immerman
- Professor of Global History, Columbia University, and the author of The Declassification Engine: What History Reveals About America’s Top Secrets
- Emeritus Professor of History, Temple University, former Assistant Deputy Director of National Intelligence, to learn more about the growing maze of government secrets
LGBTQ+ Issues in Society Today- Dr. Michele Hutchison
- Dr. Megan Mooney
- Shelly Skeen
- Chief of Pediatric Endocrinology at the University of New Mexico, Previously she was the Medical Director of the Gender Spectrum Transgender Clinic at Arkansas Children’s Hospital in Little Rock
- Licensed psychologist in private practice in Houston, specializes in serving traumatized children and families, particularly LGBTQ+ youth
- Senior Attorney with Lambda Legal Education and Defense Fund, a national civil rights organization devoted to achieving and protecting the civil rights of the LGBTQ+ community
Is Drone Warfare Ethical?- Brianna Rosen, Ph.D.
- Joseph O. Chapa, Ph.D.
- Senior Fellow at Just Security, visiting fellow at the Oxford Institute of Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict
- Lieutenant Colonel U.S. Airforce, Author: Is Remote Warfare Moral?
China’s Overreach and Its Derailment- Susan Shirk, Ph.D.
- David Firestein
- Research professor and chair of the 21st Century China Center, UCSD, author of Overreach: How China Derailed Its Peaceful Rise
- President and CEO, The George HW Bush Foundation for Us-China Relations
Inflation: How It Affects Your Pocketbook- Richard Ebeling, Ph.D.
- Dean Baker, Ph.D.
- Professor of Economics: The Citadel, South Carolina
- Cofounder of the Center for Economics and Policy Research, author of Rigged: How Globalization and the Rules of the Modern Economy Were Structured to Make the Rich Richer
NATO: Undervalued Until Essential- Jeffrey A. Engel, Ph.D.
- Susan Colbourn, Ph.D.
- Founding director of the Center for Presidential History at Southern Methodist University, Dallas
- Associate Director of the Triangle Institute for Security Studies at Duke University, and the author of a new book, Euromissiles, The Nuclear Weapons That Nearly Destroyed NATO
Re-Air: The China Nightmare- Dr. Cynthia Watson
- Dan Blumenthal
- Dean of Faculty and Academic Affairs, National War College
- Author: The China Nightmare, Director of Asian Studies, American Enterprise Institute
Re-Air: 2030: Reshaping Our Future, Part Two- Mauro F. Guillen, Ph.D.- Author of 2030, How Today’s Biggest Trends Will Collide and Reshape the Future of Everything280610/30/2022
Re-Air: Reshaping our Future: Part One- Mauro F. Guillen, Ph.D.- Author of 2030, How Today’s Biggest Trends Will Collide and Reshape the Future of Everything280510/23/2022
Democracy: A Work in Progress- Jeremi Suri, Ph.D.- , Professor, Department of History, the University of Texas at Austin and author of Civil War by Other Means: America’s Long and Unfinished Fight for Democracy282410/16/2022
Why Israel Matters
- Lt. Col. (res.) AVITAL LEIBOVICH
- Ambassador Martin S. Indyk
- Director of the American Jewish Committee (AJC) Jerusalem
- U.S. Ambassador to Israel, 1995-1997, Distinguished Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations
Re-Air: The Mental Challenges of Being an Olympian- Nikki Stone
- Corey Hirsch
- Robert Neff, Ph.D.
- Olympic Gold Medalist, 1998, Nagano, Japan, inverted aerial skier, author of When Turtles Fly,
- Olympic Silver Medalist, 1994 Lillehammer, Norway, hockey, and Stanley Cup recipient, Blindsided Podcast host and mental health champion,
- Certified Mental Trainer®
Re-Air: The Geography and Economics of Happiness- Eric Weiner- foreign correspondent for NPR and the author of several best-selling books28019/18/2022
Preventing Mass Shootings: See Something, Say Something- Mark Follman
- Katherine Schweit
- Peter F. Langman, Ph.D.
- National affairs editor at Mother Jones, and the author of Trigger Points: Inside the Mission to Stop Mass shootings in America
- Retired FBI agent and author of Stop the Killing: How to End the Mass Shooting Crisis, whom the FBI tagged to create their active shooter program, after Sandy Hook
- counseling psychologist and author of Warning Signs: Identifying School Shooters Before They Strike
What We Need to Know About Mass Shootings- Mark Follman
- Katherine Schweit
- Peter F. Langman, Ph.D.
- National affairs editor at Mother Jones, and the author of Trigger Points: Inside the Mission to Stop Mass shootings in America
- etired FBI agent and author of Stop the Killing: How to End the Mass Shooting Crisis, whom the FBI tagged to create their active shooter program, after Sandy Hook
- counseling psychologist and author of Warning Signs: Identifying School Shooters Before They Strike
What Is Brain Health?- Julie Fratantoni, Ph.D.
- Jennifer Zientz, MS.
- Head of Operations, The BrainHealth Project
- Deputy Director of Programs and Head of Clinical Services
Is Our Healthcare System Broken?- Marianne Fazen, Ph.D.
- Todd Furniss
- Jim Holder
- President & CEO, Texas Business Group on Health, DFW Business Group on Health
- Author of the 60% Solution: Rethinking Health Care in the U.S.
- partner at Holmes Murphy, an insurance consulting firm that advises employers on health care costs and strategies
Can We Trust the Supreme Court?- Hon. Alberto R. Gonzales- Former U.S. Attorney General of the United States, Belmont University College of Law281707/17/2022
It’s YOUR Supreme Court: Why It Matters!- Stephen I. Vladek, J.D.- Charles Alan Wright Chair in Federal Courts, University of Texas School of Law281607/10/2022
Ukraine: From Cold War to Hot War?- Marie Yovanovitch- Former Ambassador to Ukraine281807/03/2022
Alzheimer’s Disease: What Are the Facts?- Karen Jennings
- Kelly Willmore, MPH, CPH, CHES
- Care & Support Specialist, Alzheimer’s Association, Dallas & Northeast Texas Chapter
- Coordinator Programs & Services, Alzheimer’s Association
Water: The World’s Most Critical Resource- Lisa Hembry
- Rosario Sanchez, Ph.D.
- Isis Mejias, Ph.D.
- Gabriel Eckstein, Ph.D.
- Board Member Trinity River Authority
- Senior Research Scientist, Texas Water Research Institute
- Global WaSh Director, WaSH Rotary Action Group Ambassador
- Past president of the International Water Rights Association
Water: The Problems in America- Lisa Hembry
- Howard S. Slobodin
- Jim Bradbury
- Board Member Trinity River Authority
- General Counsel, Trinity River Authority, Adjunct Professor of Law, Texas A&M Law School
- Attorney, Adjunct Professor, Texas A & M University School of Law
Re-air: What Can We Learn from Dead Philosophers? with Eric Weiner- Eric Weiner- Award-winning journalist, former foreign correspondent for NPR, and best-selling author of The Geography of Bliss270905/15/2022
Re-air: Why Is Anti- Semitism Still with Us?- Holly Huffnagle
- Sara Abosch Jacobson, Ph.D.
- The American Jewish Committee’s, U.S. Director, for Combating Antisemitism
- Senior Director for Education in the Dallas Holocaust Museum
Re-air: How Do We Regain Trust?- Yoram Solomon, PhD
- Robert E. Hall
- Author of “The Book of Trust,” Founder of the Innovation Culture Institute. and one of the Top 20 Global Thought Leaders on Corporate Culture
- Author of “This Land of Strangers,” Consultant, and speaker on the strategic impact of relationships
The Mental Challenges of Being an Olympian- Nikki Stone
- Corey Hirsch
- Robert Neff, Ph.D.
- Olympic Gold Medalist, 1998, Nagano, Japan, inverted aerial skier
- Olympic Silver Medalist, 1994 Lillehammer, Norway, hockey, and Stanley Cup recipient
- Certified Mental Trainer®
The China Nightmare- Dr. Cynthia Watson
- Dan Blumenthal
- Dean of Faculty and Academic Affairs, National War College
- Author: The China Nightmare, Director of Asian Studies, American Enterprise Institute
Political Polarization: What Are the Solutions? Part Two- Robert Hall
- Chip Pitts
- Terry Paulson, Ph.D.
- Author of This Land of Strangers, and Hijacked, a recent Huffington Post article, which inspired this program;
- Former Chair of Amnesty International, U.S.A., and former President and Chair of the National Bill of Rights Defense Committee;
- Professional speaker, psychologist and a commentator for and
Political Polarization: What Caused It? Part One- Robert Hall
- Chip Pitts
- Terry Paulson, Ph.D.
- Author of This Land of Strangers, and Hijacked, a recent Huffington Post article, which inspired this program;
- Former Chair of Amnesty International, U.S.A., and former President and Chair of the National Bill of Rights Defense Committee;
- Professional speaker, psychologist and a commentator for and
The Confusion Over Critical Race Theory- Rashawn Ray, Ph.D.
- Eesha Pendharkar
- Patricia Ann Hardy
- Senior Fellow, Governance Studies, The Brookings Institution; Professor of Sociology, Executive Director of the Lab for Applied Social Science Research (LASSR) at the University of Maryland, College Park
- Education Week reporter covering race and opportunity in schools across the country
- Texas State Board of Education member serving District 11
2030: Reshaping Our Future, Part Two- Mauro F. Guillen, Ph.D.- Author of 2030, How Today’s Biggest Trends Will Collide and Reshape the Future of Everything280602/06/2022
2030: Reshaping Our Future, Part One- Mauro F. Guillen, Ph.D.- Author of 2030, How Today’s Biggest Trends Will Collide and Reshape the Future of Everything280501/30/2022
Global Trends and Forecast for 2022, The World in 2022- George Friedman, Ph.D.- Founder and chairman of Geopolitical Futures, Author: The Storm Before the Calm, America’s Discord, The Coming Crisis of the 2020s, The Triumph Beyond, and the Geopolitical Futures’ Global Trends and Forecast for 2022280401/23/2022
Anticipating the Future: What Can We Expect?- Daniel Burrus- Technology Futurist, author of Technotrends, Flash Foresight, and The Anticipatory Organization280201/16/2022
The Climate Change: Settled or Unsettled?- Steven E. Koonin, Ph.D.- Former Undersecretary for Science, U.S. Department of Energy (under the Obama Administration), founding Director of NYU’s Center for Urban Science and Progress280301/09/2022
The Geography and Economics of Happiness- Eric Weiner- Author of The Geography of Bliss and foreign correspondent for NPR280112/26/2021
What IS Modern Monetary Theory?- Alexander William Salter, Ph.D.
- L. Randall Wray, Ph.D.
- Georgie G. Snyder Associate Professor of Economics
Rawls College of Business, Texas Tech University
Co-author Money and the Rule of Law
- Professor of economics at Bard College.
Author of Why Minsky Matters, and
A Great Leap Forward: Heterodox Economic Policy for the 21st Century and one of the originators of MMT.
9/11, Iraq and Afghanistan: How We Got There – Part Two- Robert L. Draper
- Jeffrey A. Engel
- writer at large for the New York Times Magazine and the author of To Start a War: How the Bush Administration took America into Iraq
- Founding Director of the Center for Presidential History at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas
9/11, Iraq and Afghanistan: How We Got There – Part One- Robert L. Draper
- Jeffrey A. Engel
- writer at large for the New York Times Magazine and the author of To Start a War: How the Bush Administration took America into Iraq
- Founding Director of the Center for Presidential History at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas
War and Corruption: Do They Go Hand in Hand?- Sarah Chayes
- Rebecca Black
- former NPR reporter, author of Thieves of State, and War and Corruption in America
- former Deputy Mission Director in Afghanistan
Re-air: What Can We Learn from Dead Philosophers?- Eric Weiner- Award-winning journalist, former foreign correspondent for NPR, and best-selling author of The Geography of Bliss270910/17/2021
What’s Wrong With the Texas Grid?- Adrian Shelley
- Pat Wood III
- Director of Public Citizen’s Texas office, and
- President of the Hunt Energy Network
Re-air: Beware: Ransomware’s on the Rise!- Richard A. Clarke
- Katy Montgomery
- Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Middle East Institute, America’s first czar of cybersecurity and counter-terrorism, and author of The Fifth Domain, and
- Executive Vice President for Corporate Affairs and Communications at Cyber Defense Labs
Crisis in Afghanistan: What Will It Cost Us?- Ambassador Ryan C. Crocker- US Ambassador to Afghanistan in 2011 -2012272309/12/2021
The Politics of Envy- Anne Hendershott, Ph.D.
- Julie Fratantoni
- Author, The Politics of Envy
- Head of Operations for the Brain Health Project, at the Center for Brain Health in Dallas
Should You Worry About Inflation?- Jim Dolmas, Ph.D.
- Brian Wesbury
- Economic Policy Advisor & Senior Developer: Dallas Fed
- Chief economist at First Trust Advisors, LP
Re-air: Cyberwarfare: The Fifth Domain- Richard A Clarke- coauthor of the Fifth Domain and Cyber Warfare270108/01/2021
Re-air: Personal and Cyberthreats You Must Know About- Israel Martinez
- Greg Shaffer
- Axon Global, CEO and Chairman; Forbes Technology Council Member and contributing editor
- Shaffer Security Group, author of Stay Safe, retired FBI special agent
The Scramble for Power in an Ungoverned World- Peter Zeihan- Geopolitical expert and author of Disunited Nations: The Scramble for Power in an Ungoverned World272007/18/2021
The Status of America’s Global Influence- Peter Zeihan- Geopolitical expert and author of Disunited Nations: The Scramble for Power in an Ungoverned World271907/11/2021
What Causes Mass Movements?- Tom Shachtman
- Dr. Rory McVeigh
- Writer, filmmaker, and the author of American Iconoclast: The Life and Times of Eric Hoffer,
- Chair of the Department of Sociology, Notre Dame University
NATO: Is It Still Strategic?- Ambassador Kay Bailey Hutchison
- Timothy Andrews Sayle, Ph.D.
- 22nd United States Permanent Representative to NATO
- Assistant Professor of History and Director of the International Relations Program, University of Toronto; Author of Enduring Alliance: A History of NATO and the Postwar Global Order
Russia: Is It a Threat?- Angela E. Stent, Ph.D.- Director of the Center for Eurasian, Russian and East European studies, Professor of Government and Foreign Service, Georgetown University271805/30/2021
Eric Hoffer and The True Believer- Tom Shachtman- Author of American Iconoclast – The Life and Times of Eric Hoffer271505/23/2021 Dr. George Friedman- Author of The Storm Before the Calm; America’s Discord, The Coming Crisis of the 2020s, The Triumph Beyond, and The Next 100 Years261905/16/2021
Immigration: Economic Boom or Bust?- Dr. Benjamin Powell
- Dan Stein
- Executive Director, Free Market Institute
Professor of Economics, Rawls College of Business, Texas Tech University
Author of Wretched Refuse
- President of the Federation for American Immigration Reform
The Abraham Accords: Will They Bring Peace to the Middle East?- Paul Salem
- Ambassador Douglas A. Silliman
- President of the Middle East Institute
- President of The Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington
China’s Young: What Is Their Future?- Jin Houzhen (Jeremy)
- Zak Dychtwald
- UT Dallas graduate student
- Author of Young China: How the Restless Generation Will Change Their Country and the World, and CEO, Young China Group
What Can We Learn from Dead Philosophers?- Eric Weiner- Award-winning journalist, former foreign correspondent for NPR, and best-selling author of The Geography of Bliss270904/18/2021
Why Is Anti-Semitism Still With Us?- Holly Huffnagle
- Sara Abosch Jacobson, Ph.D.
- The American Jewish Committee’s, U.S. Director, for Combating Antisemitism
- Senior Director for Education in the Dallas Holocaust Museum
What do Americans Need to Know About China?- David J. Firestein- Inaugural president and CEO of the George H. W. Bush Foundation for U.S.-China Relations (Bush China Foundation)271004/04/2021
Universities: Assets or Liabilities in Your Community?- Davarian L. Baldwin, Ph.D.
- Calvin Jamison, Ph.D.
- Author of In the Shadow of the Ivory Tower: How Universities are Plundering Our Cities
- Vice president for facilities & economic development at The University of Texas at Dallas
Covid 19: Have Governments Failed Us?- John Micklethwait
- Adrian Wooldridge
- Editor-in-Chief of Bloomberg
- The Economist‘s political editor
- Authors of The Wake-Up Call: Why the Pandemic Has Exposed the Weakness of the West, and How to Fix It
Judge Clay Jenkins on the Covid Response- Judge Clay Jenkins- Dallas County Judge270602/14/2021
The Pandemic’s Impact on Education and Our Kids- Deana Dynis, Ed.D.
- Rheatore Culclager
- Anna Marie Sifford
- Jennifer Bowden
- Michelle Neely, Ed.D.
- Micah
- Luis
- Andres
- Executive Director of Teaching and Learning
Coppell Independent School District
- School Counselor
Young Woman’s Leadership Academy at Bill Arnold
Grand Prairie ISD
- Dallas/ISD Distinguished Teacher
WW. Samuell High School
- Education Director
World Affairs Council of Dallas/Fort Worth
- Dean of Students
Ferris Jr. High
- 7th grade
- 11th grade
- 10th grade
How Do We Regain Trust?- Yoram Solomon, PhD
- Robert E. Hall
- Author of “The Book of Trust,” Founder of the Innovation Culture Institute. and one of the Top 20 Global Thought Leaders on Corporate Culture
- Author of “This Land of Strangers,” Consultant, and speaker on the strategic impact of relationships
The 2020 Elections: What Went Wrong? What Went Right?- Matthew Wilson, PhD
- Larry J. Sabato, PhD
- Southern Methodist University, Associate Professor of Political Science
- Founder/ Director of the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics, political analyst
Slavery Reparations: Should They be Paid… and How Would It Work- Donna Jackson
- William A, Darity, Jr; PhD
- With the National Center for Public Policy Research, Project 21, an opponent of reparations - Samuel DuBois Cook Distinguished scholar, Duke University, and co-author of From Here to Equality, Reparations for Black Americans in the Twenty-First Century, who believes reparations are needed and necessary270201/10/2021
Re-air: COVID’s Impact on Our Mental Health- Vanita Halliburton
- Andy Keller, PhD
- Co-founder and Executive Chairman, Grant Halliburton Foundation. Ms. Halliburton speaks from the heart about her son’s battle with depression and bipolar disorder and his suicide at the age of 19
- Psychologist and President and CEO of the Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute which provides independent, nonpartisan, data-driven, and trusted policy and program guidance to improve mental health services in Texas.
Re-Air: Stay Well- Stay Resilient- Michael Cofield, Ph.D., ABPP
- Kevin Gilliland, Psy.D.
- A Diplomate in Psychology with the American Board of Professional Psychology and author of The Family Business Road Map to Peace of Mind
- A licensed clinical psychologist and the Executive Director of Innovation360
Do We Need a Constitutional Amendment to Get Money Out of Politics?- Ann Drumm
- Jim Rubens
- North Texas organizer of American Promise
- Former State Senator, NH(R), Board Member American Promise.
Hungry In America- Zuani Villarreal
- Jennifer Collins
- Valerie Stone Hawthorne, PhD
- Director of Communications Feeding America
- Marketing and Communications Manager, Resource Center, Dallas
- Government Relations Director, North Texas Food Bank
Cyberwarfare: The Fifth Domain- Richard A Clarke- Coauthor of the Fifth Domain and Cyber warfare and Former U.S. National Coordinator for Security, Infrastructure Protection and Counterterrorism270111/8/2020
Voter Fraud and Mail-in Ballots: What are the Issues?- J. Matthew Wilson, Ph.D.
- Carol C, Donovan, JD
- Hans von Spakovsky
- Associate Professor of Political Science, Dedman College of Humanities and Sciences
- Dallas County Democratic Party Chair
- Senior legal fellow in The Heritage Foundation’s Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies
Beware: Ransomware’s on the Rise!- Richard A. Clarke
- Katy Montgomery
- Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Middle East Institute, America’s first czar of cybersecurity and counter-terrorism, and author of The Fifth Domain, and
- Executive Vice President for Corporate Affairs and Communications at Cyber Defense Labs
What's the Truth about Police Violence?- Alex del Carmen, Ph.D.
- Jeff Spivey
- B.J. Wagner
- Associate Dean and Professor School of Criminology, Criminal Justice and Strategic Studies, Tarleton State University,
- Chief of Police with the Irving, Texas Police Department, Board of Directors for the Police Executive Research Forum
- Executive Director of the Caruth Police Institute, Senior Fellow of Justice System Policy, Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute
Can We Trust What the Polls Tell Us?- Professor Lynne Stokes, PhD.
- Scott Keeter
- Department of Statistical Science, Southern Methodist University and Director of the Data Science Institute, and
- Senior Survey Advisor, Pew Research Center, past president of the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR)
Personal and Cyberthreats You Must Know About- Israel Martinez
- Greg Shaffer
- Axon Global, CEO and Chairman; Forbes Technology Council Member and contributing editor
- Shaffer Security Group, author of Stay Safe, retired FBI special agent
Nonprofits Confront Covid: Will They Survive?- Roslyn Dawson Thompson
- Monica Egert-Smith
- Froswa Booker-Drew
- President and CEO
Texas Women’s Foundation
- Chief Relationship Officer
Communities Foundation of Texas
- Vice President, Community Affairs and
Strategic Alliances, State Fair of Texas
Will Taiwan Remain a Democracy… Independent of Beijing?- Director General Peter Chen
- Gordon G. Chang J.D.
- Ambassador J. Stapleton Roy
- Cynthia A. Watson, PhD
- (Taiwan – Houston),
- Fox Commentator and author of The Coming Collapse of China and The Great U.S. China Tech War,
- Founding Director Emeritus, Distinguished Scholar at the Wilson Center’s Kissinger Institute on China and the United States and
- Dean of Faculty and Academic Affairs, National War College, bring us up to date on Taiwan’s precarious situation
What Is the Future of Hong Kong?- Cynthia Watson, PhD
- Richard N. Haas, PhD
- Christian Brose
- Gordon G. Chang, J.D.
- Dean of Faculty and Academic Affairs
National War College
- President, Council on Foreign Relations
Author: The World in Disarray
-Author of The Killing Chain: Defending America in the Future of High-Tech Warfare
- Author: The Coming Collapse of China
The Storm Before the Calm
- Dr. George Friedman- author of The Storm Before the Calm; America’s Discord, The Coming Crisis of the 2020s, The Triumph Beyond, and The Next 100 Years261907/26/2020
Surviving Political Crisis
- Dr. George Friedman- author of The Storm Before the Calm261807/19/2020
How Universities Lost Their Way
- Samantha Harris
- Sheen S. Levine, Ph.D.
- Yoram Solomon, Ph.D.
- Anthony T. Kronman, Ph.D.
- Charles A. Murray, Ph.D.
- V. President for Protocol, F.I.R.E.
- Management Professor, Jindal School of Management, University of Texas at Dallas
- author of Cause of Death: Political Correctness. and The Book of Trust
- Yale Law school
- a Fellow at American Enterprise Institute
At Risk: Our Most Vulnerable Neighbors
- Olivia Rogers
- Anurag Jain
- Dr. John Carlo
- Raymond Castilleja, Jr., LCSW, MBA
- Vice President and Chief Nursing Officer, Visiting Nurse Association N. Texas
- Chairman, North Texas Food Bank
- Physician CEO, Prism Health North Texas
- Director of Behavioral Health Prism Health North Texas

Stay Well ... Stay Resilient
- Michael Cofield, PhD, ABPP
- Kevin Gilliland, Psy.D.
- A Diplomat in Psychology with the American Board of Professional Psychology and author of The Family Business Road Map to Peace of Mind
- A licensed clinical psychologist and the Executive Director of Innovation360
COVID's Impact on Our Mental Health- Vanita Halliburton
- Andy Keller, PhD
- Co-founder and Executive Chairman, Grant Halliburton Foundation
- Psychologist and President and CEO of the Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute
The Economics of Covid ... with Steve Moore- Stephen (Steve) Moore- Distinguished Visiting Fellow, Project for Economic Growth, Heritage Foundation and a Founder of the Committee to Unleash Prosperity261405/03/2020

Covid-19's Impact on Energy and Geopolitics
- Kenneth A. Hersh (Ken)- President and CEO, George W. Bush Presidential Center;, and former Chairman and CEO, NGP Energy Capitol Management261304/26/2020

Smart Phones, Technology and the Future
- Basma Yacoub
- Leigh Richardson
- Director of International Programs, International Leadership Center
- Founder/ Clinical Director, Brain Performance Center

Should the Electoral College Be Changed?
- Thomas L. Brunnell, PhD
- Matthew Wilson, PhD
- Professor of Political Science, University of Texas at Dallas
- Associate Professor of Political Science, Director of the Center for Faith and Learning

The History of the Electoral College
Cal Jillson, PhDProfessor of Political Science, Southern Methodist University and the author of American Government.260802/09/2020
Extremism and the Law- Marc D. Stern JD
- Sahar Aziz JD
- Chief Legal Officer, American Jewish Committee
- Professor of Law and Chancellor’s Social Justice Scholar at Rutgers Law School
The Arab Spring- William Lawrence PhD
- Ambassador H.E. Faycal Gouia
- Oussama Romdhani, PhD
- Professor of Political Science and International Affairs, George Washington University
- Tunisia's Ambassador to the United States
- Editor in Chief of the Arab Weekly Newspaper
Exposing Fraud Through Whistleblowing- Marianne Jennings, JD
- Tom Mueller, PhD
- Professor Emeritus, Arizona State University and author of The Seven Signs of Ethical Collapse and
- Journalist and author of the Crisis of Conscience
Fraud: Causes and Prevention
- Marianne Jennings, JD
- Tom Mueller, PhD
- Richard M. Bowen
- Professor Emeritus, Arizona State University; Author of: The Seven Signs of Ethical Collapse
- Author of: Crisis of Conscience- Whistle blowing In An Age of Fraud
- The Citigroup whistle blower
Impeachment: The Politics and Process
- Mathew Wilson, PhD
- James W. Riddlesperger Jr. PhD
- Associate Professor of Political Science, Director of the Center for Faith and Learning, Southern Methodist University - Professor of Political Science Texas Christian University261012/29/2019
Fighting Extremism Here and Abroad- Buck Revell
- Rick Halperin, PhD
- Farah Pandith
- Former Associate Deputy Director, Special Agent/ Senior Executive, Federal Bureau of Investigation,
- Southern Methodist University, Director of the Embry Human Rights program, and
- Adjunct Senior Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations, and author of How We Win
Personal and Cyberthreats You Must Know About- Israel Martinez
- Greg Shaffer
- Axon Global, CEO and Chairman; Forbes Technology Council Member and contributing editor
- Shaffer Security Group, author of Stay Safe, retired FBI special agent
21st Century Spies: How Intelligent Is Our Intelligence?- Matthew J. DeSarno
- Lea Carpenter
- Ned Price
- James M. Olson
- Special Agent in Charge, Dallas Field Office, Federal Bureau of Investigation
- Author of Red, White, Blue
- Former CIA Analyst, Director of Policy and Communication at National Security Action and MSNBC contributor
- Former Chief of CIA Counterintelligence, Director of Operations
Vaccinations: Is there any risk?- Philip Huang, MD, MPH
- Elizabeth Thomas, DO
- Director of Dallas County Health and Human Services
- Pediatrician Diamond Physicians
The "New" Purpose of Corporations- C. Keith Cargill
- Raj Sisodia, PhD
- President/ CEO Texas Capital Bank
- Olin Distinguished Professor of Global Business, Babson College; Co Author of Conscious Capitalism, and Co- Founder of the Conscious Capitalism Movement
Move, Stay Alive, and Feel Good- Bill Benac
- Alan Steelman
- Dr. Theresa Oswald, MD
- Russell Cleveland
- Business man, cyclist
- Former Member of U.S, Congress, and author of Yellow Brick Road
- Founder and President, Knowledge As Medicine, and
- Co-author of Swing Move
Pro’s and Con’s of Marijuana Legalization- Katy Carol Whitton, APR
- David Van der Vieran
- Mason Tvert
- Public relations specialist
- Licensed Professional Counselor, Founder of Sea Change Counseling in Carrolton Texas, Services
- Spokesperson/ Media Relations Director, Marijuana Policy Project
Marijuana Legalization: Health, Money, and Freedom- Katie Carol Whitton
- Robert Birnbaum
- Jacob Sullum
- Public relations specialist
- President of Peartree Trading, Former Chairman/ CEO of Curaleaf
- Senior Editor of Reason Magazine and author of Saying Yes, In Defense of Drug Use
Communicating Better and Faster Using Email Properly- Dianna Booher- Communications expert, award winning author of 48 business books, including the newly released Faster, Fewer, Better Emails252006/30/2019
Capitalism vs. SocialismRobert Lawson, Ph.D.
- Lane Kenworthy, Ph.D.
- Professor, Jerome M. Fullenwider Centennial Chair in Economic Freedom, O’Neil Center
- Professor of Sociology/ Yankelovich Chair in Social Thought, University of California, San Diego
Russia’s Foreign Policy Today- Robert H. Donaldson, PhD
- David Oualaalou, PhD
- Author, The Foreign Policy of Russia, Trustees Professor of Political Science, Emeritus, University of Tulsa
- Global Perspective Consulting, LLC, author of Fall of the House of Saud and the forthcoming Russian Roulette, Russia’s Infiltration of American Society, claim that the U.S. has some responsibility for the current alienation between the two countries
Russia and the United States – From a Cold War to a Hot Peace- Robert H. Donaldson, PhD
- David Oualaalou, PhD
- Author, The Foreign Policy of Russia, Trustees Professor of Political Science, Emeritus, University of Tulsa
- Global Perspective Consulting, LLC, author of Fall of the House of Saud and the forthcoming Russian Roulette, Russia’s Infiltration of American Society, claim that the U.S. has some responsibility for the current alienation between the two countries
Texas School Quality and Finance- Stan Liebowitz, PhD
- David Vroonland, EdD
- Ashbel Smith Professor, University of Texas at Dallas
- Superintendent of Schools, Mesquite ISD
The Millennial Revolution: Part Two- Julie Goodman
- Jose Carreon
- Chris Westfall
- CEO, Goodman Global Consulting
- Latino Center for Leadership Development
- Author Bullet Proof Branding– (while not a millennial, his coaching experience with this generation brings us some unique insights to reflect on and apply)
The Millennial Revolution: Part One- Kurt Andre
- Jack E. McCallum, PhD, MD, N
- CEO, Transformational Coaching
- Chairman, CEO, IntegerHealth
The Obesity Epidemic: Part Two- Mary Warren, DC
- Kevin Gilliland, PsyD
- Gina Carr
- Road Warrior Wellness, who advocates a balanced diet and well-being concept
- Executive Director, Innovation 360, a clinical psychologist and addiction and substance abuse therapist
- Co-founder of The Healthy Happy Hour, who lost over 50 pounds from plant-based living
The Obesity Epidemic: Part One- Dr. Don Forrester
- Kevin Gilliland, PsyD
- A family doctor of 30 years with the Permanente Medical Group, now affiliated with the McDougall health programs
- Executive Director of Innovation 360, a clinical psychologist and addiction and substance abuse therapist
Political Dialogue From the Left, Right, In the Middle- Jim Patrick
- Steve Putney
- CEO of Millennium Productions Inc. and Co-host of Men in the Middle Radio, political scientist and veteran broadcaster
- Broadcaster and marketer for 39 years and director of news coverage for seven stations
The New Religion: Destructive Escalation- Robert E. Hall- Author of This Land of Strangers251211/4/2018
The Personal Side of Suicide- Kevin Goins
- Dan Johnson
- Julie K. Hersh
- Vanita Halliburton
- Gives his story of suicidal thoughts and his faith.
- A songwriter who wrote a song presently in concert called Hemingway, talks and sings about his father who committed suicide.
- President of The Hersh Foundation, and author of Struck by Living
- Founded the Grant Halliburton foundation after her teenage son Grant committed suicide.
Causes and Prevention of Suicide- Kevin Gilliland, PsyD
- Lynda Williams, LPC
- Director of 1 360 Innovation
- LPC, a volunteer with the Suicide and crisis Center of North Texas.
Trade Wars, Nafta and Beyond - Merrill Matthews, Ph.D
- Doug McCullough
- The Institute for Policy Innovation
- Director of the Canada- Texas Chamber of Commerce and Director of the Lone Star Policy Institute
Educating Our Youth To Become Good Citizens- Meredith Norris
- Margot McClinton Stoglin, PhD
- Dodie Kaspar
- Michelle Bauml, PhD
- General Citizen, Central Texas Site Director
- IGNITE Texas State Director
- Coordinator of Law Related Education
- Clotilda Winter Endowed Professor in Education, Texas Christian University
What Is Active Civics and Why Does It Matter?- Margo McClinton Stoglin, PhD
- Meredith Norris
- Dodie Kaspar
- IGNITE Texas State Director
- Generation Citizen Central Texas Site Director
- Coordinator of Law Related Education
The Millennial Revolution: Part Two- Julie Goodman
- Jose Carreon
- Chris Westfall
- CEO, Goodman Global Consulting
- Latino Center for Leadership Development
- Author Bullet Proof Branding
The Millennial Revolution- Part One- Kurt Andre
- Jack E. McCallum, PhD, MD
- CEO, Transformational Coaching
- N: Chairman, CEO, IntegerHealth
Civil Asset Forfeiture- Abigail Hall Blanco, PhD
- Steven Jumes
- Anya Bidwell, J.D.
- Randy Peterson
- Research Fellow at the Independent Institute and an Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Tampa
- Attorney, Varghese Summersett, Ft. Worth, Texas, a former state and federal prosecutor who has taken more than 100 cases to jury trial in state and federal courts.
- Attorney, Institute for Justice
- Senior Researcher, Right on Crime, and the Center for Effective Justice, Texas Public Policy Foundation.
Nonprofits Today: Are They At Risk?- Brent E. Christopher
- David J. Scullin
- Tammy Richards
- President Children's Medical Foundation
- President and CEO, Communities Foundation of Texas
- CEO, Volunteer Now
Gun Violence: Are There Solutions?- Stephen P. Halbrook
- Vicka Chaplin, MA, MPH
- Rev. Wes McGruder
- Sheila Levantino
- Senior Fellow, Independent Institute, Author: Gun Control in Nazi Occupied France
- Director of Health Programs, Coalition to Stop Gun Violence
- Senior Pastor, Kessler Park United Methodist Church, Faith Forward Dallas
- Advisory Board Member, Texas Gun Sense, a policy making and advocacy group that polices legislation and formulates reasonable policies for gun reform and not gun control.
Gun Violence- It’s Causes and Scope- Larry Pratt
- Judy Cook, MD
- Vicka Chaplin, MA, MPH
- Executive Director Gun Owners of America
- psychiatrist, author: To Die or Not to Die
- Director of Health Programs, Coalition to Stop Gun Violence
Will China and the United States Avoid War?- Cynthia Watson, PhD
- Dennis Kratz PhD
- Professor Da Hsuan Feng, PhD
- Dean of Academic Programs and Faculty at the National War College.
- Dean: School of Arts and Humanities, University of Texas Dallas
- Former VP for Research, U T Dallas, and Chief Advisor to the I Silk Research Institute
China’s Belt and Road Initiative and Its Implications for America- Cynthia Watson, PhD
- Jay T. Young
- Professor Da Hsuan Feng, PhD
- Dean of Academic Programs and Faculty at the National War College
- Vice President of Marketing Analysis, Trinity Rail
- Former VP for Research, U T Dallas, and Chief Advisor to the I Silk Research Institute
Positive Psychology: Don’t Worry, Be Happy- Deborah K. Heisz, CEO
- Michelle Kinder
- Megan McDonough, CEO
- Co-Founder of Live Happy and Executive Board member of IPEN, International Positive Education Network
- Executive Director of the Momentous Institute which has been transforming kids’ lives since 1920. “They focus on building and repairing social emotional health – developing kids who become self-regulated, good communicators, problem-solvers, empathetic, grateful, gritty and optimistic”
- Whole Being Institute, co-founded with Tal Ben Shahar, PhD who taught two of the largest classes in Harvard University’s history, Positive Psychology and The Psychology of Leadership. The Whole-Being Institute is an educational organization focusing on research-based courses that help people live life to its fullest-spiritually, physically, intellectually, relationally, and emotionally (SPIRE).
Positive Psychology and Authentic Happiness- Amy Blankson
- Michael Cofield, PhD
- James Olan Hutcheson
- Cofounder GoodThink, Author: The Future of Happiness,
- APBB – Board Certified in Clinical Health Psychology, Author The Family Business, Road Map to Peace of Mind - Founder ReGENERATION Partners, consultant to family owned businesses
JFK and Lee Harvey Oswald: Insights from a 1966 Interview with Oswald’s Mother- Bob Allen- Ms. Oswald's interviewer. He spent 35 years in radio and television in the Metroplex and Oklahoma City, and in 1994 he bought KJIM 1500AM in Sherman/Denison, now also KJIM FM 101.3241904/08/2018
Is Free Speech on Campus An Oxymoron?- Neil Foote, M.S.J.,M.B.A.
- Nancy L. Hamilton
- Principal Lecturer, the University of North Texas Mayborn School of Journalism
- Partner at Jackson and Walker, L.L.P. who concentrates on First Amendment law
Is Free Speech No Longer Permitted In America?- Charles, “Chip” Babcock
- Charlie Scudder
- David Upham, PhD
- Partner at Jackson and Walker
- Reporter, Dallas Morning News
- Professor Political Philosophy, University of Dallas
CIA and FBI Cover-ups- Vietnam, Mexico City and the Controversy Over Oswald and JFK, Part Two- Jefferson Morley
- Dave Perry
- Author, The Ghost- The Secret Life of CIA Spymaster James Jesus Angleton
- Historian, JFK Kennedy Researcher
CIA and FBI Cover-ups- Vietnam, Mexico City and the Controversy Over Oswald and JFK, Part One- Carmine Savastano
- Jefferson Morley
- Researcher and author, Editor in Chief of Neaopolis, a prolific writer whose research findings have been accepted by the Assassination Archives and Research Center
- Author, The Ghost- The Secret Life of CIA Spymaster James Jesus Angleton
What Do New JFK Documents Imply About the Warren Commission Report?- Paul Watler
- Carmine Savastano
- Jacob Hornberger, J.D.
- Partner Jackson & Walker,
- Researcher and Author
- Founder/ President, Future Freedom Foundation, author: The Kennedy Autopsy
JFK and the Origins of the National Security State- Dave Perry
- Jacob Hornberger, J.D.
- Historian, JFK Kennedy Researcher
- Founder/President, Future Freedom Foundation, and author of The Kennedy Autopsy
Write Your Congressman- Randy Ford
- Cal Jillson, PhD
- President/COO; National Write Your Congressman, started in 1958 to educate constituents on issues and encourage allow small business owners a voice in the issues Congress is debating which could impact their businesses. A nonpartisan group, it looks for facts in legislation, and how that issue is pending. It encourages education on the issues, and provides briefs and white papers to its members.
- Department of Political Science, Southern Methodist University; Author: Pursuing the American Dream; Lone Star Tarnished, among others;
The State of the State of Texas- Vance Ginn, PhD
- Professor Cal Jillson PhD
- M. Ray Perryman
- Economist at the Center for Fiscal Policy at the Texas Public Policy Foundation,
- Department of Political Science, Southern Methodist University; Author: Pursuing the American Dream; Lone Star Tarnished among others
- President/ CEO The Perryman Group, an economic research and analysis firm.
All Things Cybercrime, Cyber Security and Warfare- Israel Martinez
- Murat Kantarcioglu, Ph.D. - James M. Myers
- CEO, Axon Global, Chairman of the Global Manufacturing ISAO; recipient of the U.S. Senatorial Medal of Freedom awarded by the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) and recognized as a leader in his field by the U.S. Secret Service and the Department of Homeland Security.
- Professor of Computer Science, University of Texas at Dallas, Director, of the University of Texas at Dallas Data Security and Privacy Lab
- B.S., MS., CCISO, CISSP, ITIL certifications; Senior Business Security Advisor, InfoSec Advisory, Inc.
Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies: Real Money or Speculation?- Prof. William Greene
- Terry Brock CPAE
- Ronald D. Smith
- Assistant Professor of Political Science, and Assistant Chair of the Political Science Department, at South Texas College,
- Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies Speaker - Partner, Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP
A New Perspective on North Korea- Paul F. Diehl, PhD
- Ms. Jieun Pyun
- Hiroki Takeuchi, PhD
- Associate Provost and Director, Center for Teaching and Learning, Ashbel Smith Professor of Political Science, University of Texas-Dallas, Author of The Puzzle of Peace: The Evolution of Peace in the International System
- Manager for Human Freedom Initiative at the George W. Bush Institute, member of the National Unification Advisory Council of the Republic of Korea and a native of South Korea, - Associate Professor of Political Science and Director, Sun & Star Program on Japan and East Asia in the Tower Center, Southern Methodist University
The Opioid Epidemic- Ms. Lee FitzGerald
- Kevin Gilliland, PsyD
- Ted Price, PhD
- CADC Board Registered Interventionist Level I (BRI-I), (California Association of Alcohol and Drug Counselors; BRI-board-registered interventionist), who helped start the first Narcotics Anonymous group for women in Kathmandu, Nepal
- Executive Director of i360 which helps individuals and families overcome mental health, addiction and relationship challenges, along with phase-of-life struggles; author of Struggle Well Live Well
- Neuro biologist, Associate Professor, School of Behavioral Science at University of Texas Dallas, Co-Founder of CERSCI, recipient of the Patrick D. Wall Young Investigator Award from the International Association for the Study of Pain
Can We Talk, or Is Civil Discourse Dead?- Robert E. Hall
- Don Beck, PhD
- Businessman, author of This Land of Strangers and regular contributor to the Huffington Post
- Social scientist, former UNT Professor and sports columnist; co-author of Spiral Dynamics and Spiral Dynamics in Action
Silk Road, Drugs, the Internet and Ross Ulbricht- Lyn Ulbricht
- Israel Martinez
- Stephen Duke
- Major Neill Franklin
- Ross’ mother and the CEO of the Ross Ulbricht Defense Fund; now an advocate for Constitutional practices, individual liberty and privacy
- CEO, Axon Global, Chairman of the Global Manufacturing ISAO
- North American Events Manager at Students for Liberty and former board member, Students For a Sensible Drug Policy
- Executive Dir., Law Enforcement Action Partnership
Relationships and Diversity In the Boardroom- Deborah L. DeHaas
- Billie Ida Williamson
- Vice Chair and Chief Inclusion Officer, Managing Partner; Center for Board Effectiveness, Deloitte - Forrester and Company240607/09/2017
Is the News Media the Enemy of the People?- Dave Lieber
- Mark Donald
- Ross Ramsey
- The Watchdog Investigative Columnist at the Dallas Morning News, and Contributor to National Society of Newspaper Columnists website where he wrote this article titled: "We’re In Big Trouble"
- Lecturer at the University of North Texas, Mayborn School of Journalism and former Managing Editor of the Dallas Observer
- Executive Editor of The Texas Tribune
Globalization: The Pros and Cons- Pia Orrenius, PhD
- Matthew Rooney
- Vice President and Senior Economist, Federal Reserve, Dallas
- Director of the Economic Growth program, George W. Bush Institute
Is the Federal Reserve Good for America?- Danielle DiMartino Booth
- John Tamny
- Author of the new bestseller, Fed Up… An Insider’s Take on Why the Federal Reserve is Bad for America
- Forbes contributor, Senior Fellow in Economics and author of Who Needs the Fed?
U.S. and World Poverty: Incurable Problems?- Timothy Bray, Ph.D
- Brad Lips, PhD
- Robert Rector
- Director of the Institute for Urban Policy Research, UT Dallas
- CEO, Atlas Network
- Heritage Foundation, Senior Research Fellow
Poverty in Dallas- Bill Hall
- Regina Montoya
- Robert “Bob” Wright, II
- CEO, Dallas Area Habitat for Humanity
- Attorney, Chair of Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings’ Task Force on Poverty
- Chair Emeritus of Dallas Social Venture Partners
Are We Too Dumb for Democracy?- Jeffrey A. Engel. PhD
- Joseph E. Kobylka, PhD
- Robert Howell, PhD
- Director, Center for Presidential History, Southern Methodist University
- Southern Methodist University, Associate Professor of Political Studies
- Dedman Family Distinguished Professor, Southern Methodist University

Self-Governing: How Much Governance Do We Need?
- David G. Drumm, J.D.
- Tom Giovanetti
– Partner, Carrington, Coleman, Sloman & Blumenthal, L.L.P.; Chair of the Board, Hatton W. Sumners Foundation
– President of The Institute for Policy Innovation
Saving Lives Through Organ Transplants- Göran B.G. Klintmalm M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.S.
- Patti Niles
- Ronnie Matthews
- Chief & Chairman, the Annette C. and Harold C. Simmons Transplant Institute, Past President, the American Society of Transplant Surgeons, Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas
- President/CEO Southwest Transplant Alliance, one of 58 federally designated nonprofit organ procurement organizations
- Father of the late Cam’ron Matthews, a donor
Zika/West Nile: How Serious Are They?- Tara Smith, PhD - Christopher Perkins, M.D.
- Zachary Thompson
- Seema Yasmin, MD – James (Jim) H. Kennedy, PhD
- Associate Professor, Kent State University College of Public Health
- Medical Director/ Health Authority- Dallas County Health and Human Services
- Director, Dallas County Health and Human Services
- Staff writer at the Dallas Morning News and Professor of Public Health at the University of Texas at Dallas
- Regents Professor of Biological Science at the University of North Texas
Climate Change: The Economics and Solutions- Bruce Bullock
- Charlene Heydinger
- Kelly Mitchell
- Tom “Smitty” Smith
- Director of the Maguire Energy Institute, Southern Methodist University, Cox School of Business,
– President of Texas Pace Authority
- Energy Campaign Director, Greenpeace
– Texas Director of Public Citizen

Climate Change/Global Warming: What Do 97% of Scientists Agree On?
- Cherelle Blazer
- John Geissman, PhD
- Patrick J. Michaels, PhD
- Andrew Emory Dessler, PhD
- Organizing Representative for Sierra Club Beyond Coal Chair, Dallas
- Professor and Department Head Geosciences, University of Texas at Dallas, Past President of the Geological Association of America
- Director, Center for the Study of Science, Cato Institute; author of Lukewarming, Past President of the American Association of State Climatologists
- Climate Scientist and Professor of Atmospheric Sciences at Texas A&M University
Climate Change/Global Warming: The History, the Threat, the Exaggeration
- John Geissman, PhD
- Patrick J. Michaels, PhD
- Molly Rooke
- Kathleen Hartnett-White
- Professor and Department Head, Geosciences, University of Texas at Dallas
- Director, Center for the Study of Science, Cato Institute; author of Lukewarming
- Dallas Sierra Club
- Former Chair- Texas Committee on Environmental Quality

How Social Media and Technology Influence Elections
- Murat Kantarcioglu, PhD
- Chris Kraft
- Victoria Farrar-Myers, PhD
- Hannah Wise
- Professor of Computer Science and Director, Data Security and Privacy Lab, University of Texas at Dallas
- Founder and CEO, Share Rocket, Inc.
- Senior Fellow, The John G. Tower Center for Political Studies, Southern Methodist University. Author: Controlling the Message, New Media in American Political Campaigns
- Dallas Morning News Breaking News Reporter
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Our Veterans and Others- Eddie Zant, M.D.
- Raymond H. Cralle, RPT
- Jeffrey Niezgoda, M.D.
- Col. Washington J. Sanchez, Jr.
- Medical Director, Hyperbaric Medicine Inc.
- U.S. Marine Corps, retired; Cralle Physical Therapy Services, Oxygen Rescue Care Centers of America
- President of the American College of Hyperbaric Oxygen
- (retired), served in Vietnam, was wounded several times and many years later received a TBI diagnosis which HBOT treatment has helped vastly improve

Our Veteran's Silent Wounds of War
- Jeffrey A. Niezgoda, MD
- Lia M. Thomas, MD
- Daniel C. Krawczyk, PhD
- President of the American College of Hyperbaric Oxygen
- Medical Director, Mental Health Trauma Services Team, Dallas VA Center
- Associate Professor, Francis Chair in Behavioral Sciences, University Texas at Dallas
Can a Future Financial Crisis be Prevented?- Marianne M. Jennings, J.D.
- Richard Ebeling, PhD
- Peter J. Wallison
- via prior taped interview, Cary M. Maguire
- via prior taped interview, Rep. Jeb Hensarling,
- Professor Emeritus, Arizona State University Ethical and Legal Studies, author of The Seven Signs of Ethical Collapse
- Distinguished Professor of Ethics and Free Enterprise Leadership at the Citadel
- Arthur F. Burns Fellow in Financial Policy Studies, American Enterprise Institute, former member of the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, Author: Hidden in Plain Sight
- The Maguire Center for Ethics at Southern Methodist University
- (R-TX) Chair, House Financial Services Committee, The Maguire Center for Ethics at Southern Methodist University

Have Dodd- Frank and Other Regulations Been Effective?
- George A. Selgin, PhD - William K. Black
- C.K. Lee
- via a prior taped interview, Jeb Hensarling (R- TX)
- Director of the Cato Institutes’ Center for Monetary and Financial Alternatives, Professor Emeritus of Economics at the University of Georgia
- White collar criminologist and former financial regulator; Author: Best Way to Rob a Bank Is to Own One
- Managing Director, Investment Banking, Commerce Street Capital, former bank regulator
- Chair, House Financial Services Committee

Ethics and Transparency as Antidotes to Financial Fraud
- Marianne Jennings, J.D.
- Richard Ebeling, PhD
- Professor Emeritus Arizona State University Ethical and Legal Studies, author of The Seven Signs of Ethical Collapse; commended as a top 100 thought leader on ethics and one of the most influential people in ethics by Ethics Magazine
- Distinguished Professor of Ethics and Free Enterprise Leadership at the Citadel, former President of the Foundation for Economic Education and V. P. Future of Freedom Foundation
What Really Caused the 2008 Financial Crisis, Part Two- Rashad Abdel-Khalik, PhD
- Richard M. Bowen III
- C.R. “Rusty” Cloutier
- Michael G. Winston, PhD
- University of Illinois, Professor of International Accounting, Senior Editor of the International Journal of Accounting
- Professor of Accounting, University of Texas at Dallas, Citigroup Whistleblower
- MidSouth Bancorp, Inc, Founding President and CEO, Author: Big Bad Banks
- Author: World Class Performance, Countrywide Whistleblower
What Really Caused the 2008 Financial Crisis, Part One- Peter J. Wallison
- George. A. Selgin, Ph.D
- by prior taped interview, Representative Jeb Hensarling (R TX)
- Arthur F. Burns Fellow, Financial Policy Studies, American Enterprise Institute, member of the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission and author of Hidden in Plain Sight
- Director of the Cato Institute’s Center for Monetary and Financial Alternatives; Professor Emeritus of Economics at the University of Georgia
- Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee
Whistleblowers: Who They Are and Why You Should Care- Richard M. Bowen III
- Michael G. Winston, PhD
- William (Bill) K. Black, PhD
- Citigroup Whistleblower
- Countrywide Financial Whistleblower
- Author of The Best Way to Rob a Bank Is to Own One, former bank regulator who played a central role in prosecuting the corruption responsible for the S&L crisis of the late 1980s
Pros and Cons of Middle East Refugees Coming to America- Ambassador Ryan C. Crocker
- Hind Jarrah, PhD
- Donna Duvin
- A.J. Irwin
- Dean, The Bush School of Government and Public Service, Texas A&M University; Ambassador to Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, Kuwait, Lebanon, and Iraq. Recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom
- Executive Director, Texas Muslim Women’s Foundation
- Executive Director, U.S. Programs, Dallas; International Rescue Committee
- Former Federal Agent, ICE Homeland Operations, Central Region

What Is ISIS, How Did It Arise, and What Can/Should be Done?
- Said Elias Dawlabani
- Oliver “Buck” Revell
- Ambassador Robert W. Jordan, J.D.
- COO, Center for Human Emergence – Middle East; Author: MEMEnomics: The Next- Generation Economic System
- CEO, Revell Group International, Inc, Chairman, Board of Directors, Middle East Media Research Institute, (MEMRI), Special Agent in Charge (SAC) of the Dallas Division of the FBI- Retired
- U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia (2001-2003), Author: The Desert Diplomat
Saudi Arabia and Iran: What Are the Issues and Why Do They Matter?
- Said Elias Dawlabani
- Oliver “Buck” Revell
- Ambassador Robert W. Jordan, J.D.
- COO Center for Human Emergence- Middle East; Author: MEMEnomics: The Next- Generation Economic System
- CEO, Revell Group International, Inc., Chairman of the Board: Middle East Media Research Institute
- U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia (2001-2003), Author: The Desert Diplomat

The Chinese Navy: Challenge to the U.S. and the World?
- Mike W. Peng, PhD
- Bud Cole, PhD
- Jindal Chair of Global Strategy, University of Texas at Dallas, Author: Global Strategy; Author: Global Business
- Captain U.S Navy (retired), Professor Emeritus, Maritime Strategy, National War College, Author: The Great Wall at Sea: China's Navy in the 21st. Century

China: Reforms, the Economy, Energy and Markets
- Gordon G. Chang
- Mike W. Peng, PhD
- Cynthia A. Watson, PhD
- Digger Chen
- Lawyer, and writer for, The Daily Beast and the World Affairs Council Journal
- Jindal Chair of Global Strategy, University of Texas at Dallas, Author: Global Strategy; Author Global Business
- Professor of Security, U.S. National War College, Zunxuan
- Counsel, Dentons U.S. LLP
China: From a Historical Perspective, Their Place in the 21st Century
- Dennis. M. Kratz, PhD
- Cynthia A. Watson, PhD
- Dean School of Arts and Humanities, University of Texas at Dallas
- Professor of Strategy, National War College, Author, U.S. National Security

Glenn Greenwald and Edward Snowden: Journalism and National Security – Part Two
- Tod Robberson
- Daxton “Chip” Stewart, PhD
- Charles, “Chip” Babcock
- Former Editorial Writer with the Dallas Morning News, now with the St. Louis Times Dispatch,
- Associate Dean, Associate Professor, Bob Schieffer College of Communication
- Partner, Jackson Walker, L.L.P.

Glenn Greenwald and Edward Snowden: Journalism and National Security – Part One
- Tod Robberson
- Gordon Dee Smith
- Charles “Chip” Babcock
- Glenn Greenwald
- Former Editorial Writer, Dallas Morning News
- CEO, Strategic Insight Group, CEO, Dallas Committee on Foreign Affairs
- Partner, Jackson Walker, L.L.P
- Author of No Place to Hide and the Intercept Papers
25 Years of McCuistion: The Future of Health Care- Michael F. Weisberg, MD - Marianne Fazen, PhD, E.D.
- Charlie Feld
- Gastroenterologist, Author: The Hospitalist
- DFW Business Group on Health, President and CEO: Texas Business Group on Health
- Founder & CEO: Feld Group Institute
25 Years of McCuistion: Health Care From 1990-2015- Don R. Read II, M.D.
- Britt R. Berrett, PhD
- Adam Myers, M.D.
- President-Elect, Texas Medical Association
- Clinical Professor Healthcare Management, University of Texas at Dallas, Author: Patients Come Second: Leading Change by Changing the Way You Lead
- Chief Medical Officer, Texas Health Physicians Group
25 Years of McCuistion: The History of Health Care
- Michael Weisberg, MD
- Adam Myers, MD
- Don R. Read, MD
- Gastroenterologist, Author: The Hospitalist
- Chief Medical officer, Texas Health Physicians Group
- President-Elect, Texas Medical Association
Voting Fraud: Is This An American Problem?- Rene Martinez
- Tom Pauken
- Dan Wallach, PhD (via Skype)
- Regional Director, LULAC
- Former Chairman, Texas Workforce Commission, former member of President Reagan’s White House staff, Professor, Department of Computer Science, Rice University, Houston, Texas
Is Strict Voter ID a Good Idea?- Matt Angle
- Elizabeth Alvarez-Bingham
- Tom Pauken
- Linda Wassenich
- Founder and Director of the Lone Star Project; Former Executive Director of the House Democratic Caucus
- Attorney, Vice Chairman, Dallas County Republican Party
- Former Chairman, Texas Workforce Commission
- National League of Women Voters Board Member and Development Chair
Think Tanks, Philosophy and Rational Self-InterestJohn AllisonChairman of the Executive Advisory Council, of the Cato Institute’s Center for Monetary and Financial Alternatives, immediate past president of Cato and former CEO of BB&T221607/12/2015
25 Years of McCuistion: The Future of Oil in America- Bruce Cutright
- Edward W. Blessing
- Jacki Pick
- Research Scientist Association, Bureau of Economic Geology, University of Texas at Austin
- Managing Director of Blessing Petroleum
- Executive VP/COO National Center for Policy Analysis and Host of the Jacki Daily Show
25 Years of McCuistion: The Oil Saga from 1990-2015- Barry F. Crossman
- Edward W. Blessing
- Adjunct Professor at the University of Texas at Dallas, former Senior Executive at Caltex (retired)
- Managing Director, Blessing Petroleum
25 Years of McCuistion: The History of Oil in America- David G. Drumm
- Barry F. Crossman
- Bruce Cutright
- Oil and Gas Attorney, Carrington, Coleman, Sloman, & Blumenthal, L.L.P and Chairman of the Board of the Hatton W. Sumners Foundation
- Adjunct Professor of International Business, University of Texas at Dallas, Senior Executive with Caltex (retired)
- Research Scientist Associate at the Bureau of Economic Geology at the University of Texas at Austin
Freedom of the Press in a World of IntoleranceFlemming RoseForeign Editor of Jyllands-Posten; author of Tyranny of Silence221805/24/2015
Oh Yes, I Did Build That!- W. Michael Cox, PhD
- Peter Goettler
- Director of the O’Neil Center for Global Markets & Freedom at SMU’s Cox School of Business
- President/ CEO Cato Institute
25 Years of Education: How to Educate Our Children In the Future- Linus Wright
- Forrest E. Hoglund
- Former Undersecretary of Education under President Reagan
- Founder and President, The Hoglund Foundation and Co-Vice Chairman of Reasoning Minds
25 Years of McCuistion | 25 Years of Education: Progress or Decline?- Courtney Boswell
- The Honorable Kathleen Leos
- Quinn Vance
- Executive Director, Texas Institute for Education Reform
- CEO, the Global Institute for Language and Literacy Development
- Executive Director, KIPP DFW
25 Years of McCuistion: The State of Education in 1990- Linus Wright
- The Honorable Kathleen Leos
- Lisa Hembry
- Dr. Walter Edwards Williams
- Undersecretary of Education under President Regan
- CEO of the Global Institute for Language and Literacy Development
- Executive Director LIFT, Literacy Instruction for Texas
- Economist and Educator (previously taped program)
25 Years of McCuistion: Immigration Policy for the Future- Rick Gump
- Neil Foley, PhD
- Pia Orrenius, PhD
- Lawyer/ Owner, Richard A. Gump, Jr. PC Professor
- Southern Methodist University, Robert H. and Nancy Dedman Chair in History, Author: Mexicans and the Making of America
- V.P and Senior Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Adjunct Professor, Hankamer School of Business, Baylor University, Author of Beside the Golden Door: U.S. Immigration Reform in a New Era of Globalization
25 Years of McCuistion: Immigration Policy from 1990-2015- Richard A. Gump Jr. PC
- Pia Orrenius PhD
- Hipolito Acosta
- Owner: Immigration Law
- V.P. and Senior Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Adjunct Professor, Hankamer School of Business, Baylor University, Author of Beside the Golden Door: U.S. Immigration Reform in a New Era of Globalization
- Former District Director U.S. Citizenship and Immigration, Houston, Author of The Shadow Catcher
25 Years of McCuistion: A Brief History of Immigration- Mike Gonzalez
- Hipolito Acosta
- Neil Foley, PhD
- Heritage Foundation Senior Fellow, Author of A Race for the Future: How Conservatives Can Break Through the Liberal Monopoly on Hispanic Americans
- Former District Director, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration, Author of The Shadow Catcher
- SMU Professor -The Robert H. and Nancy Dedman Chair in History U.S.-Mexico Borderlands/Immigration Legal, Labor and Political History of the American Southwest, Author of Mexicans and The Making of America
The Board Diversity Challenge- Renee Hornbaker - Richard Leblanc, PhD
- James Waters, JD
- North Texas Chapter President, National Association of Corporate Directors
- Author of Inside the Boardroom, Associate Professor, York University, Toronto Canada
- Partner, Haynes and Boone, LLP
The Human Trafficking Epidemic- Elizabeth M. Wheaton, PhD
- Kristen Richards
- Rebekah
- Shawn McGraw
- Economist, Senior Lecturer, Cockrell-McKintosh Faculty -in-residence, Southern Methodist University
- Director of Volunteers for Traffick911
- A survivor, trafficked for 10 years
- Supervisory Special agent, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Department of Homeland Security
Why the Cloud and Social Media Are Changing Your Business and Your Life- Monte Ford
- William J. Ribaudo
- Barry Libert
- Director Akamai Technologies, Former Senior VP/ CIO American Airlines
- Partner, Deloitte and Touche, LLP
- Chairman and Founder, OpenMatters
Common Core: What It Is and Why You Need to Know About It- Kathleen Leos
- Louis Malfaro
- Former Assistant Deputy Director, US Department of Education and CEO: Global Institute for Language and Literacy Development
- Secretary/ Treasurer, Texas American Federation of Teachers
Wealth of States - Part Two- Stephen Moore
- J. Matthew Wilson, PhD
- Chief Economist at the Heritage Foundation and co-author of An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of The Wealth of States
- Associate Professor of Political Science, Dedman College of Humanities and Science, Southern Methodist University
Wealth of States - Part One- Stephen Moore
- Bernard Weinstein PhD
- Arthur B. Laffer, PhD
- Chief Economist at the Heritage Foundation and co-author of An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of The Wealth of States
- Economist and Associate Director of the Maguire Energy Institute at Southern Methodist University
- Co-author of An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of The Wealth of States
Technology, Entertainment and Design: TED and TEDxSMU- Jim Young
- Heather Hankamer
- Jeremy Gregg
- TEDxSMU Steering Committee. We first heard of TED Talks from Jim Young, a seasoned TEDSTER
- Director of TEDxSMU and TEDxSMU Kids
- Chief Development Officer, Prison Entrepreneurship Program
The Legacy of Peter Drucker: The Father of Modern Management- Zachary First
- Bob Buford
- Myron E. (Mike) Ullman III
- PhDSenior Managing Director, The Drucker Institute
- Founding chair of the Drucker Institute, author of Drucker & Me, and Halftime
- CEO of J.C. Penney, (Chair of Federal Reserve Dallas and on the board of Starbucks)
Another Debt Crisis: Student Loans!- David E. Daniel, PhD
- Thomas W. Keefe, J.D.
- Michael J. Sorrell, J.D.
- President of the University of Texas at Dallas (via video)
- President of the University of Dallas
- President of Paul Quinn College
Income InequalityRobert Lawson, PhD Richard Scotch, PhD Pamela Villarreal- Fullinwider Centennial Chair in Economic Freedom at Southern Methodist University
- Professor of Political and Policy Sciences, University of Texas at Dallas
- Senior Fellow at the National Center for Policy Analysis
Home Rule: Good or Bad for Dallas ISD?Rena Honea
Jeronimo Valdez
- President, Alliance American Federation of Teachers, a 26 year award winning teacher
- Founder and Managing partner, Valdez/Washington, LLP and the treasurer of Support Our Public Schools, himself a former DISD student, and a strong proponent of home- rule
Net Neutrality: What Is It- and Why Should I Care?Vinton Cerf
Gabe Rottman, PhD
Tom Giovanetti
Peter S. Vogel.
- One of the “fathers of the Internet”; Co-inventor of the Internet Protocol
- Legislative Counsel/ Policy Advisor American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Washington Legislative Office
- President, Institute for Policy Innovation
- Trial Partner, Arbitrator and Special Master at Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP (FCC’s Authority to Regulation Net Neutrality Pends – Blogs about Net Neutrality; Net Neutrality in a Nutshell at Internet, IT & eDiscovery Blog and in his monthly article on eCommerce Times
The Impact of Technology on Higher Education: A Brave New World – Part TwoAdam Brackin, PhD Marjorie Hass, PhD
Toni Portmann
- Research Assistant Professor Arts and Technology, UT Dallas
- President, Austin College
- CEO, Lockin
The Impact of Technology on Higher Education: A Brave New World – Part OneAdam Brackin, PhD
Marjorie Hass, PhD
George Siemens, PhD
- Research Assistant Professor Arts and Technology, UT Dallas
- President, Austin College
- Executive Director of the LINK Lab (Learning Innovation and Networked Knowledge) University of Texas Arlington
Transforming Your Core Talents Into a Competitive AdvantageCandace Fitzpatrick
Gary Rifkin
- Founder and CEO of CoreClarity
- CoreClarity’s Director of Strategic Communications and Training
Is a Free Press at Risk Without a Well Functioning Freedom of Information Act?Elizabeth O. Colton, PhD
Miles Moffeit
Paul Watler
- CEO, Dallas Committee on Foreign Relations, Emmy Award winning journalist
- Dallas Morning News‘ Investigative reporter
- Attorney, Jackson Walker LLC, Board Member, Freedom of Information Foundation
Are Government Security Agencies Essential to Our National Security or a Threat to Our Personal Liberty?Sahar Aziz
Danny O. Coulson
Josh Rovner, PhD
Gordon Dee Smith
- Board Member: American Civil Liberties Union of Texas Associate Professor, Texas A&M University, School of Law
- Former Deputy Assistant Director of the FBI, Co-Author: No Heroes: Inside the FBI’s Counter Terror Force
- Director of Studies, Tower Center for Political Studies, Associate Professor of Political Science, Southern Methodist University
- CEO and Principal, Strategic Insight Group, President of the Board, Dallas Committee on Foreign Relations
Edward Snowden: Traitor or American Hero?Danny O. Coulson
Josh Rovner PhD
Gordon Dee Smith
Beatrice Edwards
- Former Deputy Director of the FBI
- Director of Studies, Tower Center for Political Studies at SMU
- CEO and Principal, Strategic Insight Group
- Internal Program Director, Government Accountability Project
Innovation and Creativity in the WorkplaceTerry JonesAuthor of On Innovation, Founder, former CEO of Travelocity and Founding Chairman of kayak.com211402/02/2014
Money, Corporations and Politics… a Toxic Mix?Steve Bartlett
Bruce Freed
- Senior Advisor Treliant, Former CEO Financial Services Roundtable, and Congressman- R Texas
- President/ Founder, Center for Political Accountability
Are Corporate Executives Overpaid?Linda Wilkins
Marc Hodak
- Tax Attorney, Wilkins, Finston Law Group
- Managing Partner, Hodak Value Advisors
Why Retirement Is Fast Becoming Impossible For Most AmericansAlan Goldfarb, CFP, AIF, MBA
Brooks Hamilton
- Managing Director: FSG Advisors
- Attorney, Founder: Brooks Hamilton and Partners
Conscious Capitalism: Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business - Part TwoRaj Sisodia PhD
Whitney Johns Martin
Scott Miller
- Co-Founder and Trustee of Conscious Capitalism, Inc., Co-Author of Conscious Capitalism and Firms of Endearment
- Co-Founder/ Managing Director of Texas Women’s Ventures
- President of Interstate Batteries
Conscious Capitalism: Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business - Part OneRaj Sisodia, PhD
Doug Levy
Rand Stagen
- Co-founder of Conscious Capitalism, Inc., and the co-author of Firms of Endearment and Conscious Capitalism
- Conscious capitalism “practitioner”, Founder and CEO of MePlusYou
- Conscious capitalism “practitioner”, Managing Partner at the Stagen Leadership Academy
JFK: The Dallas Mayor's Committee on the JFK 50th AnniversaryMayor Michael S. Rawlings
Ruth Sharp Altshuler
- Honorary Chair of the Committee
- a civic leader and philanthropist and Chair of the President John F. Kennedy Commemorative Foundation
JFK: The Continuing Conspiracy TheoriesOliver “Buck” Revell
Dave Perry
Tom E. Stone, PhD
- Former FBI Special Agent
- Kennedy Assassination Historian and Researcher James Teague: Author: LBJ and the Kennedy Killing
- Senior Lecturer – Department of English, Southern Methodist University
JFK: The Dallas Perspective and the Sixth Floor MuseumStephen Fagin
Wes Wise
- Associate Curator and Oral Historian, The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza; Author of Assassination and Commemoration
- Co-author When the News Went Live; Former Dallas Mayor 1971- 1976
JFK: The Warren Commission ReportOliver” Buck” Revell
Tom E. Stone, PhD
- Former FBI Special Agent
- Senior Lecturer, Depart of English at Southern Methodist University
JFK: The Aftermath of the AssassinationHugh Aynesworth
Bob Huffaker, PhD
Robert N. McClelland
James, “Jim” Robert Leavelle
Eugene L. Boone
- Former reporter at the Dallas Morning News, Author of November 22, 1963 Witness to History
- Co-author When the News Went Live, Former reporter for CBS and KRLD
- MD Professor Emeritus of Surgery, UT Southwestern Medical Center
- Former Dallas homicide detective
- Former Deputy Sherriff, Dallas County (1962-1972)
JFK: The Events of November 22, 1963Hugh Aynesworth
Bob Huffaker
Darwin Payne PhD
Bert Shipp
Buell Wesley Frazier
Eugene Boone
- Former reporter at The Dallas Morning News
- Former reporter with CBS and KRLD, Co-Author: The Day the News Went Live
- Historian, Professor Emeritus, Southern Methodist University
- Former reporter, WFAA- Dallas
- Co-worker, Lee Harvey Oswald
- Former Deputy Sherriff, Dallas County- 1962-1972
JFK: Historical PerspectiveDarwin Payne, PhD
Dennis Simon, PhD
- Professor Emeritus of Communication, Southern Methodist University
- Altshuler Distinguished Teaching Professor, Southern Methodist University
Suicide: A Growing ProblemReed J. Robinson,PhD
Benaye Y. Rogers
Margie Wright
Karen Cole Beiber
- Clinical Director, MH Trauma Services, VA- N. Texas
- President, Contact Crisis Line
- Executive Director, Suicide & Crisis Center N. Texas
- Survivor
The Current Challenges and Concerns in Mental HealthWilliam K. Gordon III, PhD
Matt Roberts
Sharon DeBlanc
Sherry Cusumano RN, MS, LCDC
- Clinical Psychologist, Director of Psychological Services, Fair Hill School
- President, Mental Health America of Greater Dallas
- President, Collin County Affiliate, National Alliance on Mental Illness
- Executive Director, Communication Education and Clinical Development Green Oaks, President NAMI Dallas
Make Your Brain Smarter: Part TwoLori Cook, PhD, CCC-SLP
Sergeant Mike Rials
Jacque Gamino, PhD
- Head of Pediatric Brain Injury Programs, Center for BrainHealth, University of Texas- Dallas
- Brain Performance Institute, Warrior Training Team, Purple Heat Recipient
- Director, BrainHealth Teen Reasoning Initiative
Make Your Brain Smarter: Part OneSina Aslan, PhD
Sandra Chapman, PhD
Eric Bennett, CPA
- Imaging Specialist, Center for Brain Health, UT – Dallas
- Chief Director and Founder, Center for Brain Health, UT – Dallas
- Executive Director, Brain Performance Institute at the Center for Brain Health
How Crony Capitalism Corrupted Free Markets and DemocracyDavid StockmanAuthor of The Great Deformation: The Corruption of Capitalism in America and former director of the office of Management and Budget under Ronald Reagan202406/30/2013
The Charitable Deduction Issue: A Tax Increase on CharityMeyer L. Bodoff, CAP
Brent E. Christopher
John T. Palter
- President and CEO, Dallas Jewish Community Foundation
- President and CEO, Communities Foundation of Texas
- Managing Member, Palter Stokley Sims Wright PLLC
The Platinum Rule: Communicating to SucceedTony Alessandra, PhD, CSP, CPAEAuthor of The Platinum Rule201305/26/2013
Innovations in Neuro Technology… From Hearing to Strokes
Jennifer Born
Ross Bogey DO
Michael P. Kilgard PhD Robert L. Rennaker PhD
- Public Affairs Director, American Tinnitus Association
- Associate Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
- Associate Professor of Neuroscience: UT Dallas
- Associate Professor of Neuroscience & Biomedical Engineering UT Dallas
Fractured Relationships and Their Impact on Our Personal Lives and Faith- Robert E. Hall
- Ami Moore, PhD
- Mahmoud Sadri, PhD
- Author of This Land of Strangers: The Relationship Crisis That Imperils Home, Work, Politics and Faith
- Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of North Texas
- Professor of Sociology, Affiliated Professor of Women’s Studies, Texas Woman’s University
Fractured Relationships and Their Impact on Business and Politics- Jim Underwood, PhD
- Robert E. Hall
- Professor of Management at Dallas Baptist University and a prolific best selling author
- Dallas businessman and the author of This Land of Strangers: The Relationship Crisis That Imperils Home, Work, Politics and Faith. His former book, The STREETCORNER STRATEGY for Winning Local Markets, “inspired the customer relationship management movement”
Cyber Security and PrivacyMitchell Adair
Murat Kantargioglu PhD
Sukumaran Nair PhD
- Vulnerability Researcher: Raytheon’s SI Government Solutions
- Director: Data Security and Privacy Labs at the University of Texas at Dallas
- Dept. Chair: Computer Science and Engineering, Southern Methodist University
The Growing Challenge with Disability Benefits
Carl Weisbrod, JD
Pamela Villarreal, PhD
- Past President: National Organization of Social Security Claimants
- Economist, Senior Fellow, National Center for Policy Analysis
Should We Break Up the Big Banks?
Harvey Rosenblum
Peter Wallison
- Executive VP, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
- Arthur F. Burns Fellow in Financial Policy, American Enterprise Institute
The Need for An Ethical Business Culture
Marianne Jennings, PhD
David Reid
- Professor Emeritus in Business and Ethical Studies, Arizona State University; Author: Seven Signs of Ethical Collapse
- Former Ethics Director Texas Instruments; now TI Ethics Director- Emeritus and immediate past chair: Conference Board, Global Council on Business Conduct
Corporations: Governance, Responsibilities and Investor RelationsBrent Anderson
Francis Byrd
Baruch Lev, PhD
- Vice President: Investor Relations Meritage Homes Corp, Former President: NIRI DFW Chapter 2011-12
- Senior Vice president of Corporate Governance and Risk Practice Leader, Laurel Hill Advisory Group, LLC
- Author: Winning Investors Over
- Professor of Accounting and Finance, New York University Stern School of Business
What Good Board Members Do to Help Organizations Succeed Richard Leblanc, PhD
Robert J. Kueppers
- Co-author of Inside the Boardroom and an Associate Professor at York University in Toronto, Canada
- Deputy CEO of Regulation & Public Policy,Vice Chairman, Deloitte, LLC
Health Care: Doctors and Patients Michael Deegan, MD, DM
Stephen Brotherton, MD
- Clinical Professor of Health Care Leadership and Innovation, University of Texas Dallas
- President-Elect, Texas Medical Association
Health Care: Employees and Employers Scott Flannery
Cyndie Ewert
Neisha Strambler-Butler
- CEO, United Health Care, North Texas
- Director, Benefits & H.R. Services, Energy Future Holdings
- Manager, Health Benefits & Wellness, Texas Instruments
Health Care: Hospitals and Insurance CompaniesStanley F. Hupfeld John B. McWhorter III
Barclay Berdan
Scott Flannery
- Former President/CEO of Integris Health System and author of Malpractice: How the Politicians Made a Mess of Health Reform
- President, Baylor University Medical Center; Senior VP, Baylor Health Care System
- COO, Senior VP Texas Health Resources
- CEO, United Healthcare System
Health Care: The Public Policy IssuesStanley F. Hupfeld Devon M. Herrick, PhD
Steve Love
- Chairman Integris Health Systems: Author: Malpractice: How the Politicians Made a Mess of Health Reform
- Senior Fellow, National Center for Policy Analysis
- CEO, Dallas Ft. Worth Hospital Council
Payday LendingAnne Baddour
Rob Norcross
Rev. Gerald Britt
- Senior Policy Analyst at Texas Appleseed
- Consumer Service Alliance of Texas
- City Square
Federal Deficit Increase: $10 Million a Minute!David Walkerformer Comptroller General of the United States and head of the Government Accountability Office200812/30/2012
A Space Odyssey with Anousheh AnsariAnousheh AnsariFirst Female Private Space Explorer and Co-founder and Chairman of Prodea Systems in Plano, Texas200107/08/2012
Brain Health, Aging, and Alzheimer’sDenise C. Park PhD
Michael Rugg, PhD
Mike Spencer
- Professor and Distinguished Chair in Behavioral and Brain Sciences, University of Texas at Dallas; Co-Director: UT Dallas Center for Vital Longevity
- Professor and Distinguished Chair in Behavioral and Brain Sciences University of Texas at Dallas; Co-Director: UT Dallas Center for Vital Longevity
- President & CEO, Alzheimer’s Association of Greater Dallas
Taxpayer Funding and Women's Reproductive RightsDianne Edmondson
Karen Garnett
Ken Lambrecht
Stephen McKernan
- Executive Director, Republican National Coalition for Life
- Executive Director, Catholic Pro-Life Committee of North Texas
- President & CEO, Planned Parenthood of North Texas
- DO, FAAFP, CEO, Lone Star Family Health Center
Philanthropy: The Business of Changing the WorldBrent Christopher
Charlotte Keany
Robert Wright
- President & CEO, Communities Foundation of North Texas
- Director of Consulting, Center for Nonprofit Management
- President: Executives in Action, Co-founder: Dallas Social Venture Partners
Redistricting: Do You Know Who your Congressman Is?Tom Brunell, PhD
Wade Emmert, JD
Luis Roberto Vera Jr.
Matthew Wilson, PhD
Professor of Political Science, University of Texas at Dallas
- Chairman: Dallas County Republican Party
- Attorney and Counselor at Law, LULAC National General Counsel
- Associate Professor of Political Science, Southern Methodist University
Clean Air and Climate ChangeCherelle Blazer
Margaret Keliher
Tom "Smitty" Smith
- Formerly with the Environmental Defense Fund, Executive Director of You Can’t live in the Woods
- Former Dallas County Judge and Executive Director of Texas Business for Clean Air
- Executive Director of Public Citizen Texas Office
Are Renewables an Energy Solution?Bernard L. Weinstein, PhD
Russel E. Smith
John Losinger
- Associate Director at Maguire Energy Institute and Adjunct Professor of Economics, Cox School of Business, Southern Methodist University
- Executive Director of Renewable Energy Industries Association
- Principal at Public Strategies, Inc.
Oil, Gas & Energy Security for AmericaEdward Blessing
Chuck Davidson
Laura Miller
- Managing Partner, Blessing Petroleum, LLC
- CEO of Noble Energy, Inc.
- Director of Projects- Texas, with the Summit Power Group
Occupying Wall Street and Main Street: What Are the Real Issues?Cal Jillson, PhD
Jacob Hornberger
Jonathan F. Winocour
Glynn Wilcox
- Professor of Political Science, Southern Methodist University and author of the newly released, Lone Star Tarnished: A Critical Look at Texas Politics and Public Policy
- President of The Future of Freedom Foundation
- Attorney
- Advisor to Occupy Dallas
Whistle Blowers: Inside the Mortgage MeltdownRichard Bowen
Dr. Wayne Shaw
- Senior Lecturer at the University of Texas- Dallas, the Jindal School of Management
- Helmut Sohmen Distinguished Professor of Corporate Governance; KPMG Institute for Corporate Governance at Southern Methodist University
Flash Foresight: How to See the Invisible and Do the Impossible – Part 2Dan BurrusAuthor of Flash Foresight: Seven Radical Principles That Will Transform Your Life 191909/18/2011
Flash Foresight: 7 Radical Principles That Will Transform Your Life - Part 1Dan BurrusAuthor of Flash Foresight: Seven Radical Principles That Will Transform Your Life191809/11/2011
US Spending and Debt: What Congress Needs to DoRuss VoughtPolitical Director of Heritage Action for America191507/31/2011
Twenty Women Who Loved LibertyJohn BlundellAuthor of Margaret Thatcher: Portrait of An Iron Lady191407/24/2011
The Legacy of Margaret ThatcherJohn BlundellAuthor of Margaret Thatcher: Portrait of An Iron Lady191307/17/2011
ENDGAME: The End of the Debt SuperCycle & How It Changes EverythingJohn MauldinAuthor of ENDGAME: The End of the Debt Super Cycle and How it Changes Everything191107/03/2011
Will Your Investments Outlive You?John Mauldin
Hank N. Mulvihill, Jr., CCM, CWS,CFP
Fred Richards
- Author of ENDGAME: The End of the Debt Super Cycle and How it Changes Everything
- Founder of Fed Friday
- President and CEO of the Adrich Corporation
How to Cut Government Spending Before It's Too LateDavid Walker
Mike George
- Former Comptroller General
- Founder, Strong America Now
Federal Government Debt and Deficits 2011Mike George
David Walker
- Founder of Strong America Now and developer of the Lean Six Sigma Process; a technique for determining and eliminating waste
- Former Comptroller General of the United States and CEO of the Government Accountability Office from 1998 to 2008, author of Comeback America: Turning the Country Around and Restoring Fiscal Responsibility
Gun Control, Gun Violence & Right to CarryMarsha McCartney
Bill Caruth
Tomislav V. Kovandzic
- Volunteer, Brady Campaign to End Gun Violence
- Private Citizen, Second Amendment advocate, Chairman of the Liberty Institute
- Professor of Criminology University of Texas – Dallas
Guns and the Second AmendmentBill Caruth
Phil Collins
Tomislav V. Kovandzic; PhD
- Chairman of Liberty Institute
- University of North Texas, Professor of Political Science
- Associate Professor of Criminology, University of Texas- Dallas
What Were the Lessons Learned from the 2010 Elections?Mark Davis
Thomas Brunell, PhD
Ken Emanuelson
- Radio Talk Show Host – WBAP
- Professor of Political Science University of Texas Dallas
- Head of the Dallas Tea Party
The Tea Party: Why It Exists and What It WantsMark Davis
Thomas Brunell, PhD
Ken Emanuelson
- Radio Talk Show Host – WBAP
- Professor of Political Science University of Texas Dallas
- Head of the Dallas Tea Party
Real Estate Foreclosures: Problems and PreventionsRichard Bitner
Linda Davis
George Roddy
- Author of: Confessions of a Subprime Lender
- Housing Director: Consumer Credit Counseling Service
- CEO of The Roddy Report
Why Should We Care About the Middle East? Part TwoJim Falk
Radwan Masmoudi, PhD
Tod Robberson
- President/CEO of the World Affairs Council-Dallas Ft. Worth
- President of The Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy and Pulitzer Prize Winner, Dallas Morning News
- Editorial Writer
Why Should We Care About the Middle East? Part OneJim Falk
Radwan Masmoudi, PhD
Tod Robberson
- President/CEO of the World Affairs Council-Dallas Ft. Worth
- President of The Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy and Pulitzer Prize Winner, Dallas Morning News
- Editorial Writer
What Caused the Real Estate & Mortgage Foreclosure Problem?C.K. Lee
Richard Bitner
- Managing Director; Commerce Street Capital
- Author of Confessions of a Sub Prime Lender
TV and Its Impact on Society and Our KidsSonja Ezell
Hank Moore
- Reading Specialist, Dallas Independent School District
- Corporate Strategist and the author of The Business Tree and The Classic Television Reference
Does Our Constitution Still Matter?Allen Fishburn
Robert D. Cohen
Thomas G. West, PhD
Calvin C. Jillson, PhD
- Attorney at Law
- Attorney at Law
- Professor of Politics, University of Dallas, Author of Vindicating the Founders
- Author of Pursuing the American Dream, Department of Political Science Southern Methodist University
New Ways of Transitioning the Homeless- Mike Rawlings
- Mike Faenza
- Bill Thompson
- Lynne Sipiora
- Appointed by the Mayor of Dallas as Dallas’ Homeless Czar
- President and CEO of the Metro Dallas Homeless Alliance
- Executive Director of the Union Gospel Mission
- Executive Director of the Samaritan Inn in Collin County, TX
Women Wealth and Giving: The Virtuous Legacy of the Boom Generation- Margaret May Damen, CFP, CLU
- Niki Nicastro McCuistion, CSP
- Becky Sykes
- Jim Falk, CFRE
- President of the Institute for Women and Wealth and co-author of Women, Wealth and Giving
- Co-founder and producer of The McCuistion Program, consultant for non-profits internationally, and co-author of Women, Wealth and Giving
- President, CEO of the Dallas Women's Foundation
- President, CEO of the World Affairs Council of DFW
Life Without LawyersPhilip K. HowardFounder and Chair of Common Good and Author of Collapse of Common Good: How America’s Lawsuit Culture Undermines Our Freedom and Death of Common Sense: How Law Is Suffocating America182004/25/2010
20 Years of McCuistion: Health Care and WellnessVariousRevisit various episodes from the past 20 years.181904/11/2010
20 Years of McCuistion: Federal Government Debt, Credit Issues and Foreign PolicyVariousRevisit various episodes from the past 20 years.181604/04/2010
20 Years of McCuistion: Media and the InternetVariousRevisit various episodes from the past 20 years.181802/28/2010
20 Years of McCuistion: Motivation and LeadershipVariousRevisit various episodes from the past 20 years.181702/21/2010
20 Years of McCuistion: Energy, the Environment and ImmigrationVariousRevisit various episodes from the past 20 years.181502/14/2010
20 Years of McCuistion: Education and Our ChildrenTerry Flowers, Ph.D.
Tom Luce
- Headmaster at St. Philip’s School
- CEO of National Math and Science Initiative
Charles Gasparino’s The Sellout: The Fall of 2008 and the Global Financial SystemCharles GasparinoCritically acclaimed investigative journalist and CNBC TV personality181301/31/2010
Charles Gasparino: The Sellout and the 30 Years that Led Up to the Financial CrisisCharles GasparinoCritically acclaimed investigative journalist and CNBC TV personality181201/24/2010
Bill George on Character and LeadershipBill GeorgeProfessor of Management Practice at Harvard Business School and Former Medtronic CEO181101/03/2010
Wall Street: Capitol of Greed or Builder of Capital?- Max D. Hopper
- Robert J. Potter
- Shad Rowe
- Founder, Max D. Hopper Associates
- President, R.J. Potter Company
- President, Investors for Director, Accountability Foundation
The Fallout of Problems in American Corporate Governance and Its Impact on China and the World- Angelina Kwan
- The Hon. Mario Mancuso
- Managing Director and COO, Asia Pacific, Cantor-Fitzgerald
- Partner, Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld, LLP, Former Under Secretary of Commerce
Is Corporate Ethics an Oxymoron?- Sharon Allen
- Todd M. Bluedorn
- Jared Richardson
- Chairman of Deloitte LLP
- CEO of Lennox International, Inc
- Sr. Counsel of Energy Future Holdings
The Government’s Response to the Crisis In Corporate Governance- Edward J. Durkin
- Francis H. Byrd
- Robert Royer
- Director of the Corporate Affairs Department of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America
- Managing Director and Co-Leader for the Corporate Governance Advisory Practice at The Altman Group
- Partner in The McPherson Group and former Legal and Legislative Counsel to the Securities Industry Association and former General Counsel to the Joint Committee on the Library of Congress and Counsel to the House Administration Committee of the United States Congress
Is It Possible to Stop Addiction- Christopher Kennedy Lawford
- Kevin Gilliland, Psy.D
- Bill Teuteburg
- Actor, Author and Public Advocacy Consultant for Caron Treatment Centers; New York Times bestselling author of Symptoms of Withdrawal: A Memoir of Snapshots and Redemption and Moments of Clarity: Voices from the Front Lines of Addiction and Recovery
- Clinical Psychologist and CEO of Innovation 360
- Interventionist associated with The Caron Foundation and a longer term residential program known as Renaissance
The Causes and Costs of Addiction- Christopher Kennedy Lawford
- Kevin Gilliland, Psy.D
- Bill Teuteburg
- Actor, Author and Public Advocacy Consultant for Caron Treatment Centers; New York Times bestselling author of Symptoms of Withdrawal: A Memoir of Snapshots and Redemption and Moments of Clarity: Voices from the Front Lines of Addiction and Recovery
- Clinical Psychologist and CEO of Innovation 360
- Interventionist associated with The Caron Foundation and a longer term residential program known as Renaissance
Is Limited Government an Oxymoron?- Doug Casey
- Thomas E. Woods JR., PhD.
- Investor, The Casey Report
- Senior Fellow of Ludwig von Mises Institute and author of Meltdown
What Is a Libertarian: Libertarianism and the Politics of FreedomDavid BoazExecutive Vice President of the Cato Institute and author of Libertarianism: A Primer180310/11/2009
Budget Deficits, United States Debt and Taxes- Daniel Mitchell
- Stephen Moore
- Richard Rahn
- Senior Fellow of the Cato Institute and former Senior Fellow for the Heritage Foundation
- Member of the Editorial Board for the Wall Street Journal and senior economics writer
- Senior Fellow of the Cato Institute, Chairman of the Institute for Global Economic Growth. He is also a weekly economic columnist for The Washington Times
Is Capitalism the Cause or the Solution to the Financial Crisis?- Steve Forbes
- Thomas E. Woods, Jr. Ph.D.
- CEO of Forbes Magazine and
- Senior Fellow of Ludwig von Mises Institute and author of Meltdown
Prescription Drug Costs and Safety: What You Should Know About Pharmaceutical Companies & the FDA: Part 2- Jonathan Emord
- Dr. Charles Simone
- Author of The Rise of Tyranny
- Author of Cancer and Nutrition
Prescription Drug Costs and Safety: What You Should Know About Pharmaceutical Companies & the FDA: Part 1- Jonathan Emord
- Dr. Charles Simone
- Author of The Rise of Tyranny
- Author of Cancer and Nutrition
Financial Wisdom: What Should You Do to Protect Yourself in a Tough Economy?- Ed Douglas
- Kim Snider
- author of 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom
- a Financial Success Coach and author of How to Be the Family CFO
What Is the True State of the 2009 Economy?- Stan Liebowitz, PhD.
- Richard Bitner
- Gerald P. O’Driscoll, Jr.
- Ira Silver, Ph.D.
- Author of Anatomy of A Train Wreck & Director for the Analysis of Property Rights and Settlement
- Author of Confessions of a Subprime Lender and Associate Publisher for Housing Wire Magazine
- Senior Fellow, CATO Institute
- Texas Christian University, Neeley School of Business
The Cause of the Economic Crisis in America- Stan Liebowitz, PhD.
- Richard Bitner
- Robert Higgs
- Author of Anatomy of A Train Wreck & Director for the Analysis of Property Rights and Settlement
- Author of Confessions of a Subprime Lender and Associate Publisher for Housing Wire Magazine
- Author of Crisis and Leviathan and Senior Fellow in Political Economy at The Independent Institute
Charles Murray: Real Education & Education MythsCharles MurrayAuthor of The Bell Curve, Losing Ground and the recently released, Real Education172110/12/08
Michael Strong on Social Responsibility in Business, Peace & ProsperityMichael StrongChief Visionary Officer of Flow172011/09/08
A Conversation with Mark Skousen of Freedom FestMark SkousenProducer of Freedom Fest171909/28/08
A Conversation with Steve ForbesSteve ForbesPresident and CEO of Forbes Magazine171809/21/08
Is the American Newspaper Market in Peril?- Tracy Everbach
- Manny Mendoza
- John Solomon
- University of North Texas, Department of Journalism
- Co-Director: Stop the Presses
- Executive Editor, The Washington Times
Natural Nutrients: Innovative Alternate Ways Be Healthy- Robert Carpenter
- Sheila George
- Blaine S. Purcell
- Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and President at Texas Enterosorbents, Inc
- Leadership Council for Nussentials
- Medical doctor, senior physician in internal medicine at Sheppard Air Force Base
General Wellness Solutions: Choose Wellness, Not Just Healthcare- Boyd Lyles
- Tom Brizzolara
- Todd Whitthorne
- Founding Director, HeartHealth and Wellness Center
- Chief Operating Officer of Elite Wellness USA
- President and Chief Operating Officer of Cooper Concepts, Inc.
Nutrition Part 2: Eating Our Way to Better HealthT. Colin CampbellAuthor The China Study171404/19/09
Nutrition Part 1: Research Surrounding Vegan Benefits to HealthT. Colin CampbellAuthor The China Study171304/12/09
The International Implications of the Weak Dollar and Foreign TradeStephen MooreEconomist, Editorial Writer for the Wall Street Journal171211/23/08
Politics and Economic Policies of a Changing AmericaStephen MooreEconomist, Editorial Writer for the Wall Street Journal171101/11/09
Culure in America: Three Biggest Challenges Facingt Western Civilization - Pt. 1Herb MeyerAuthor of The War Against Progress, former Vice Chairman of the CIA’s National Intelligence Council during the Reagan Administration171004/04/09
Culture in America: Three Biggest Challenges Facing Western Civilization - Pt. 2Herb MeyerAuthor of The War Against Progress, former Vice Chairman of the CIA’s National Intelligence Council during the Reagan Administration170902/17/08
Not-for-Profit Organizations: Under IRS & Legal Scrutiny - Pt 2- Lois G. Lerner
- Cynthia B. Nunn
- Jan Soifer
- Teresa A. Wright
- Ronnie C. McClure, PhD, CPA
- Director of the Exempt Organizations Division of the IRS
- President, Center for Nonprofit Management
- Attorney: Lawrence & Soifer LLP
- Executive Director, Funding Information Center
- Wealth Management Consultant
What You Need to Know About Not-for-Profit Organizations - Pt. 1- Lois G. Lerner
- Cynthia B. Nunn
- Jan Soifer
- Teresa A. Wright
- Ronnie C. McClure, PhD, CPA
- Director of the Exempt Organizations Division of the IRS
- President, Center for Nonprofit Management
- Attorney: Lawrence & Soifer LLP
- Executive Director, Funding Information Center
- Wealth Management Consultant
Blood Shortage Situation: Challenges, Options and Solutions- Art P. Bollon, Ph.D.
- Lt. General B. Mittemeyer, MD
- Dr. John Theus, MD
- Chairman and CEO, HemoBioTech, Inc.
- Former US Army Surgeon General
- Chief Medical Officer, South Central Division, American Red Cross
China: Threat or OpportunityThe LateLarry AbrahamCo-founder of PanAmerica Capital Group, Inc. and long-time author and editor of the Insider Report170501/13/08
A Free America: The State of Freedom in America- The LateLarry Abraham
- Michelle Muccio
- Daniel Mitchell
- Co-founder of PanAmerica Capital Group, Inc. and long-time author and editor of the Insider Report
- Washington D.C. Representative and Production Associate at The Acton Institute
- Senior Fellow at the CATO Institute
What the Credit Crunch Means to You- Mike Davis
- John Heasley
- Bob McTeer, Ph.D.
- Dory Wiley, CPA
- Professor of Economics and Finance, Southern Methodist University
- Executive Vice President, Texas Bankers Association
- Distinguished Fellow, National Center for Policy Analysis
- President, Commerce Street Capital
Climate Change Politics: Experts Discuss the Politics Behind Climate Change- James D. Marston
- Sterling Burnett, Ph.D.
- Director of State Climate Initiatives for the Environmental Defense Fund for the state of Texas
- Economist and Senior Fellow at the National Center for Policy Analysis
Global Warming and Science- James D. Marston
- Sterling Burnett, Ph.D.
- Drew Thornley
- Director of State Climate Initiatives for the Environmental Defense Fund for the state of Texas
- Economist and Senior Fellow at the National Center for Policy Analysis
Policy Analyst, Center for Economic Freedom, Texas Public Policy Foundation
Foster Care Problem: Solutions to the Foster Care Crisis - Pt. 2- E. Scott McCowan
- Evy Kaye Ritzen
- Jan Tennyson
- Executive Director of the Center for Public Policy Priorities
- Program Director, TRAC
- Founder, Dare to Dream Foundation
The Foster Care Problem: Is the foster care system broken? - Part 1- E. Scott McCowan
- Evy Kaye Ritzen
- Jan Tennyson
- Executive Director of the Center for Public Policy Priorities
- Program Director, TRAC
- Founder, Dare to Dream Foundation
Raising Minimum Wage- Liana Fox
- John P. Greenan
- Robert Smith
- Bob McTeer, Ph.D.
- Economic Analyst with Washington based, Economic Policy Institute
- Executive Director of the Central Dallas Community Development Corporation
- Host of the Acorn Hour Radio Program on KNOW 89.3 FM
- Economist and distinguished Fellow with the National Center for Policy Analysis and former President of the Dallas Federal Reserve
How America Is Seen in the Arab and Muslim WorldFawaz GergesAuthor of Journey of the Jihadist: Inside Muslim Militancy; the Christian A. Johnson Chairholder in International Affairs and Middle East Studies at Sarah Lawrence College1603
The Past and Future of JihadistsFawaz GergesAuthor of Journey of the Jihadist: Inside Muslim Militancy; the Christian A. Johnson Chairholder in International Affairs and Middle East Studies at Sarah Lawrence College1602
The Digital Economy: Promise and Peril In the Age of Networked IntelligenceDon TapscottCo-author of the Paradigm Shift, wrote, The Digital Economy1601
The Internet Privacy Condition: How You Can Find out Almost Anything about Almost Anybody- Dee Smith
- Jim Harper
- CEO, Strategic Insight Group
- Director of Information Policy Studies, CATO
An Intimate Conversation with PBS’ NewsHour Anchor, Jim Lehrer - Part 2Jim LehrerExecutive Editor and PBS’ NewsHour Anchor151207/12/09
An Intimate Conversation with PBS’ NewsHour Anchor, Jim Lehrer - Part 1Jim LehrerExecutive Editor and PBS’ NewsHour Anchor151107/05/09
Corporate Responsibility Goes by Many Terms- Ed Ahnert
- Paul Pederson
- Fred Smith, PhD
- President, ExxonMobil
- Retired Management Consulting Partner, Price Waterhouse Coopers
- President & Founder, Competitive Enterprise Institute