Exciting News!
Two McCuistion Programs have been selected as 39th Annual Telly Award Winners.
The Telly Awards is a widely known and highly respected national and international competition and receives over 12,000 entries from all 50 states and 5 continents. They honor the very best in TV and Cable, Digital and Streaming, and Non-Broadcast Productions.
Our winners:
SILVER: JFK and the Origins of the National Security State
Guests: Dave Perry, Historian, JFK Kennedy Researcher, and Jacob Hornberger, J.D., Founder/President, Future Freedom Foundation, and author of The Kennedy Autopsy
BRONZE: Is Free Speech No Longer Permitted in America?
Guests: Charles “Chip” Babcock, a partner at Jackson and Walker, Charlie Scudder, Reporter,
Dallas Morning News, and David Upham, PhD, Professor Political Philosophy, University of Dallas
This is a tremendous honor and we appreciate all who worked so hard on this effort… We couldn’t have accomplished this without strong team support.
Very special thanks to all who made this possible: most especially our guests, the LeCroy Studios, and all of our funders, host Dennis McCuistion, and our great crew.
Niki McCuistion:
Co-founder, excecutive producer- producer.
The McCuistion Program, a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization, does not receive any KERA pledge dollars, PBS funds, or government grants. Our funding comes to us from donations, viewers, and granting organizations, so thank you for your continued support. And special thanks to The Hatton W. Sumners Foundation with whom we have partnered for many years…
Warm Regards,
Niki McCuistion:
Coach/ Author/ Speaker
(214) 394-6794