Featured Program

The Scramble for Power in an Ungoverned World (2720)

By |2022-10-25T19:19:19-05:00July 18, 2021|Featured Program, Featured-Home, Recent Programs|

Peter Zeihan, founder of Zeihan on Geopolitics and author of Disunited Nations, The Scramble for Power in an Ungoverned World, joins hosts Dennis McCuistion and Jim Falk, once again, for a startling conversation on the issues that have changed the geopolitical scene worldwide and forged America’s new role in the world’s infrastructure.

The Status of America’s Global Influence (2719)

By |2021-07-11T12:30:00-05:00July 11, 2021|Featured Program, Featured-Home, Recent Programs|

Geopolitical expert, Peter Zeihan, author of Disunited Nations: The Scramble for Power in an Ungoverned World, joins hosts Dennis McCuistion and Jim Falk for lively and very “counterintuitive arguments about the future of a world where trade agreements are coming apart and international institutions are losing their power.”

China’s Young: What Is Their Future? (2712)

By |2021-04-25T12:30:00-05:00April 25, 2021|Featured Program, Featured-Home, Niki Site, Recent Programs|

While their parents, the one-child policy generation, instituted in the 1980s and 1990s, which produced a generation of “only me” children, accepted the government mandates in every area of their lives, the restless generation does not. They are increasingly consumer-oriented, questioning government dictates, and expanding their world.

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