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The Platinum Rule: Communicating to Succeed with special guest, Tony Alessandra, PhD, CSP, CPAE and author of The Platinum Rule.

L to R: Dennis McCuistion, Niki McCuistion, & Tony Alessandra, PhD

Whether it’s to collaborate, innovate, be understood, negotiate, and/or just get along with others, effective communication skills are key. Schools teach the “3 r’s” and give communication short shrift.

In the world of technology and 24/7 contact, we spend about 85 percent of each day communicating in one form or another. It’s in our best interests to be darn good at such a necessary business and social skill. Yet we seldom concentrate on how our partner/associates, friends and neighbors want to be communicated with.
If you’ve ever wondered why it’s so easy to talk to some people, why you have an instant rapport with some and not others, the answer might be you’re not communicating with people on their wavelength.
According to our guest, we too often treat people according to the Golden Rule: “do unto others the way you’d have them do unto you”.

A solid maxim, yet one that often backfires. We are not all the same, nor do we want the same things. Thus, Tony’s Platinum Rule, “do unto others as they would like to be done unto,” reframes communication.

Tony’s communication advice can help one solve conflict, build more effective teams and foster stronger relationships. Join us to learn more about communication skills, how we are similar and different, and how we can use the Platinum Rule to build relationships, personally and professionally.

This is one program you won’t want to miss if you do indeed want to foster stronger relationships.

According to research we can differentiate various styles of communicating into four quadrants:

The Director, Socializer, Relator and Thinker:
  • Directors tend to be more forceful and up front and want people to get to the bottom line. They like being in charge.
  • Socializers want to be center stage. They excel at conversation- sometimes too much so.
  • Relators are about relationships, slow to warm up, and loyal. They like a relaxed pace.
  • Thinkers are analytical, precise and like data- neatly presented.

We are a combination of all of these styles, yet we have a primary preference, and if we are going to be more effective in getting results, the Platinum Rule counsels us to communicate to that person’s preference. Easier said than done- as a Director myself- as is Dennis, the host of McCuistion, our style is sometimes too direct!

Tune in Sunday to hear the experts on this issue.

The McCuistion Program, a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization does not receive any KERA pledge dollars, PBS funds or government grants, so thank you for your continued support.

Thanks for joining us,

Niki McCuistion
Co-Founder, Executive Producer, Producer
Business Consultant / Executive Coach, specializing in Organizational Culture Change, Governance and Strategic Planning
(214) 394-6794


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Perspectives Matter is a McCuistion Program and as part of a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization does not receive any pledge dollars, PBS funds, or government grants. The funding that has kept us on the air for 33-plus years comes from our grantors and loyal viewers. Your donation allows us to continue to hold engaging programs that provide different perspectives. To be a catalyst for change, support our TV programs. Thank you for your support and for watching.

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