The Future of Oil in AmericaThe Future of Oil in America
Re-Air: Make Your Brain Smarter – Part OneRe-Air: Make Your Brain Smarter – Part One

Think tanks are organizations that perform research and engage in advocacy for social policy, political strategy, economics, technology and cultural issues. A think tank’s purpose is to develop public policy decisions from an objective, long-term perspective. Most think tanks have an underlying policy that impacts their public policy decisions.

Think Tanks, Philosophy and Rational Self-Interest

Left to Right: Dennis McCuistion, Niki McCuistion & John Allison

Joining host Dennis McCuistion to talk about think tanks and how they determine their focus, philosophy and rational thinking is John Allison, Chairman of the Executive Advisory Council, of the Cato Institute’s Center for Monetary and Financial Alternatives, immediate past president of Cato and former CEO of BB&T.

Cato Institute’s mission is to create a free and prosperous society based on the principles of individual liberty, free markets, limited government and peace. Mr. Allison says, “We believe government should stay out of your pocketbook as well as your bedroom. It [government] has an important purpose but it’s very limited, to protect individual rights.”

During this episode on think tanks, he tells us Cato is a modern day advocate of the principles that made this country great: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

He goes on to say:

“Our founding fathers talked about limited government. Their great concern was that government would expand and interfere in the lives of the people. If people want government interference it’s usually because they want a benefit. When government gets involved they control, that makes them dangerous. When people do things voluntarily we have better outcomes.

Communities solve problems voluntarily. Government is never voluntary. When you use force you get bad outcomes. Yes, we need police, courts, military for defense purposes but individuals working in their own best interests have better solutions…”

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There is an important role for charity in the US, but social welfare has destroyed families. When you teach people to be dependent, they lose part of their soul. Economic freedom raises everyone. We believe in a free society.”

He believes, human beings have a capacity to be free. “You have to pursue your truths, be innovative and creative to pursue your personal happiness and you have to be able to set goals for yourself.”

Join us during this episode on think tanks for a thought provoking philosophical discussion on liberty, economic freedom and the innovation that allows for creativity and which made and still makes America great.

Talking about things that matter… with people who care.

Niki N. McCuistion:
Executive Producer/Producer
Executive Coach, Consultant and speaker on culture change
Aligning Purpose, Performance and People
(214) 394-6794
Google+ Profile

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***2216 – 07.12.15

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The Future of Oil in AmericaThe Future of Oil in America
Re-Air: Make Your Brain Smarter – Part OneRe-Air: Make Your Brain Smarter – Part One