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Flash Foresight: Seven Radical Principles That Will Change Your Life – Pt. 2Flash Foresight: Seven Radical Principles That Will Change Your Life - Pt. 2

Dan Burrus, one of the top three futurists in the country, author of Flash Foresight: How To See the Invisible And Do The Impossible, asks, “wouldn’t it be amazing if you could predict the future and be right?”

He claims you can… if we leave out the parts we could be wrong about! According to Burrus, “the amazing thing is, when you know where to look, there’s more than enough you can be right about to make all the difference”. As he reminds us- flash foresight has gone from useful to being an imperative, in a world were technology and innovation is ever  more complex and almost beyond our ability to accurately comprehend.

His rapid fire, engaging dialogue and common sense solutions to many of the quirks of life and business challenges we all share will leave you saying, “Now why didn’t I think of that?”

For more information from the original airing date, visit Flash Foresight.

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Flash Foresight: Seven Radical Principles That Will Change Your Life – Pt. 2Flash Foresight: Seven Radical Principles That Will Change Your Life - Pt. 2