Bioterrorism: Weapons of Mass Destruction?Bioterrorism: Weapons of Mass Destruction?
The Impact of Technology on Higher Education: A Brave New World – Part TwoThe Impact of Technology on Higher Education: A Brave New World - Part Two

Technology changes how college students learn!

Minecraft and MOOCs (Massive Open Online Course’s) and more are changing the way kids are learning.

Today’s students are prepared to live and work in a digital world and have different learning expectations as a result. MOOCS, digital learning, gaming, distance learning and even popular video games are being used in college classrooms, changing the more traditional ways students learn. The uses of games like Minecraft are employed to teach different ways of telling stories that involve and strengthen the learning experience. Connected knowledge, narrative video labs and other forms of technology accelerate innovative learning and can be a cost savings as well.

Joining McCuistion are experts in the new world of interactive teaching:

  • Adam Brackin, PhD: Research Assistant Professor
    Arts and Technology, UT Dallas
  • Marjorie Hass, PhD: President, Austin College and
  • George Siemens, PhD:
    Executive Director of the LINK Lab
    (Learning Innovation and Networked Knowledge)
    University of Texas Arlington

Dr. Brackin demonstrates the building of a cathedral, and how 23 of his students shared the space virtually using Minecraft as a tool to learn how they were going to capture video, and be able to chat using special software that allows for speaking to all or specific groups.


Dr. Hass tells us how this kind of learning allows for students and faculty to share virtual space and communicate with each other and with faculty; and be a helpful supplement to extend what happens in the classroom. Austin College hosted Sal Khan, founder of the popular Khan Academy, and we hear his perspective on learning online. We watch a video of her student’s digital collaboration with the Crow Museum, which led to the creation of virtual catalogs and new learning on global perspectives.

Joining us from Australia, Dr. Siemens (who has recently joined the University of Texas at Arlington), talks about MOOCS– massive open online courses taught by some of the world’s greatest thinkers and teachers. The term was coined in response to a course Dr. Siemens taught at the University of Manitoba in 2008. He wanted to experiment with the impact of making teaching available for free and held several courses online from 2008 to 2011. In 2011 when some Stanford University professors experimented with the concept- the process exploded- and today over 10 million learners are enrolled with the largest two MOOCS providers; Coursera and Udemy.

Education has become more complex- and digital learning is now expanding how we learn and retain information. Tune in to see how this “new” way impacts how we interact, collaborate and build a “brave new world”.

As always we continue talking about what really matters.

Thank you for joining us.


Niki Nicastro McCuistion
Executive Producer/Producer
Aligning Purpose, Performance and People
Corporate Culture Change Consultant and Problem Solver
(214) 394-6794

Google+ Profile

05.11.14 – 2119

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Bioterrorism: Weapons of Mass Destruction?Bioterrorism: Weapons of Mass Destruction?
The Impact of Technology on Higher Education: A Brave New World – Part TwoThe Impact of Technology on Higher Education: A Brave New World - Part Two