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Bailouts in the hundreds of billions were used in 2008 and 2009 to bolster banks, insurance companies and other businesses that were deemed by some as “too big to fail”. The Dodd-Frank legislation of 2010 was supposed to be a remedy for too big to fail, but was it really effective?

Joining host, Dennis McCuistion, are:

• Harvey Rosenblum: Executive VP, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
• Peter Wallison: Arthur F. Burns Fellow in Financial Policy, American Enterprise Institute

Should We Break Up the Big Banks?

Left to Right: Dennis McCuistion, Harvey Rosenblum and Niki Nicastro McCuistion

Too big to fail is a term you’ve heard many times in the media, and it refers to certain financial institutions and other large companies that have been deemed by regulators and the government as “too big to fail”. There is a growing cry by Federal Reserve officials and others that several of the biggest banks today are simply too big to manage and should be broken up because their very size also makes them too big to fail. Others say – not a good idea.

This is not an easy topic to wrap your arms around much less form an opinion. Yet, it is one that affects our financial resources in a variety of ways and on a daily basis. It impacts our return – virtually zero on our savings accounts, has caused retirees and others who saved money now not be able to invest it in a bank – and the list goes on. We still have an anemic economy. And there are some who believe that crony capitalism is the best way to describe the relationship between our federal government and the swashbucklers on Wall Street.

Tune in and find out from key experts in this area on both sides of the discussion about what should be done regarding this issue.

Thank you again for joining us. As always, we are talking about things that matter… with people who care.

Niki Nicastro McCuistion, CSP
Executive Producer/ Producer
Management Analyst, Speaker, Consultant
(214) 394-6794

2018 – 02.17.13

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What Good Board Members Do to Help Organizations SucceedWhat Good Board Members Do to Help Organizations Succeed