Airing Sunday, Sept. 18th on KERA - Part 2 of Flashforesight with Dan Burrus
Federal Government Debt and Deficits in 2011Federal Government Debt and Deficits in 2011

Dan Burrus is considered, one of the top three gurus in the country on the future. In the 90’s he wrote the best seller Technotrends and many of his key points have become fact. His newest book, Flash Foresight: How To See the Invisible And Do The Impossible, takes a look at what we can do to transform our lives- in this century and decade- and pokes holes at the traditional ways of looking at the world and how we run our businesses.

He asks, “wouldn’t it be amazing if you could predict the future and be right?” Dan states that we can indeed predict the future. And we can have a better future as a result. Dan who bases his predictions on scientific principles tells us, “we all have a sense of foresight, but we don’t know how to trust or use it, yet it is a sense we can accurately make sense of”.

In part two of this series Dan talks about how to see invisible opportunities and solutions to seemingly impossible problems. He covers several additional points from his book:

  • The key to doing something that seems impossible is to see invisible solutions.
  • Take your biggest problems and skip them. You’ll often find that if there is a recurring problem, that isn’t the real problem you have to solve.
  • Opposites work better.
  • Anticipate by solving tomorrow’s problems before they happen.
  • Direct your future or someone else will. Take charge of it.

His rapid fire dialogue and common sense solutions to many of the quirks of life and business challenges we all share will leave you saying, “Now why didn’t I think of that?”

Tune in and hear more of these incredible insights, as we talk about things that matter with people who care…


1919 – 9.18.2011

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Airing Sunday, Sept. 18th on KERA - Part 2 of Flashforesight with Dan Burrus
Federal Government Debt and Deficits in 2011Federal Government Debt and Deficits in 2011