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Guest:  John Blundell, author of Margaret Thatcher: Portrait of An Iron Lady and Fellow at Institute of  Economic Affairs (IEA).  IEA was founded in 1955 and it started with lectures, conferences, and venues that targeted thought leaders, attempting to turn the tide of public opinion.

Former Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, as told by Mr. Blundell, in his book Portrait of an Iron Lady, had innate qualities that led to her eventually being elected to Parliament in 1959.  The Iron Lady, as she is often referred to, had a strong commitment to free market economies, limited government and rule of law. She was well known for her strength of character, her unswerving willingness to fight for a cause that would make Britain stronger and for her ability to understand how government should work.

Her character and values played no small part in her resoundingly successful career as Prime Minister; helping to bring Britain to world class status once again.

Mr. Blundell’s work explains Margaret Thatcher to the American public: who she was, her values, principles and why she felt so strongly about limited ‘government’.

He gives us an intriguing insight into the events that led to Ms. Thatcher’s commitment to serving; from World War II and Britain’s rejection of Winston Churchill in the 1945 elections, the nationalization of public industries, the Tories being overthrown, and Britain’s luke- warm socialism for over 4 decades, to its being ranked 19th on the OECD ladder. All of this contributed to the way Ms. Thatcher governed and her determination to make Britain a world class power once again.

Join us for an inside look at the Iron Lady.

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1913 – 07.17.11

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