ENDGAME: The End of the Debt SuperCycle & How It Changes EverythingENDGAME: The End of the Debt SuperCycle & How It Changes Everything
Airing this Sunday at 12:00 PM on KERAAiring this Sunday at 12:00 PM on KERA

There is good news and bad news: Chances are we will live longer; however, we may in fact outlive our money.

Is it possible to regain lost wealth considering the market and that return of investment (rather than return on investment) may be a more accurate statement?

Joining us once again are:

* John Mauldin: Author of ENDGAME: The End of the Debt Supercycle and How It Changes Everything;
* Hank N. Mulvihill, Jr., CCM, CWS,CFP: Founder of Fed Friday, and
* Fred Richards: President and CEO of the Adrich Corporation.

Fred Richards believes, one can make money at any time if one looks for new technologies that revolutionize and make things happen, from Google to Facebook, “keep an eye out for what the young are looking at.” He tells us, that by watching companies that are broad-based, with a strong customer base and what entices people to use that product-“that’s where the big money is.”

John Mauldin intrigues us with his comments on health today and the implications of our living longer, “100 years ago people lived to be 30-40 years old. Through better technology and health we’re living longer.” A biotechnology advocate, he comments on the possible death of viruses, the new technologies that will be considerably more proactive, and the accelerating curve in both technology and health in the somewhat near future.

Hank Mulvihill’s Fed Friday, features invited speakers such as David Walker, the nation’s former top auditor, the 7th Comptroller General of the US and the CEO of the U.S. Government Accountability Office from 1998-2008, on the imbalances and non-sustainable economic landscape. Hank comments on the economic differences today as compared to five or ten years ago, such as negative interest rates; the theft of elderly people’s money as there is no real return on what many had invested in. Investments need to be looked at differently, “How do you ensure your future by buying bonds at 2%”?

So the question we remain concerned about is will in fact our investments and money outlive us? Tune in to hear the rest of what the experts have to say and make up your own mind.

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ENDGAME: The End of the Debt SuperCycle & How It Changes EverythingENDGAME: The End of the Debt SuperCycle & How It Changes Everything
Airing this Sunday at 12:00 PM on KERAAiring this Sunday at 12:00 PM on KERA