Interviews with National Leaders: Senator John Thune - Part 2 of 3
Interviews with National Leaders: Senator Tim Johnson - Part 3 of 3

Dennis McCuistion is joined once again by Fawaz Gerges, Ph.D. to talk about the situation in the Middle East and the past and future of Jihadists. Fawaz Gerges is the author of Journey of the Jihadist: Inside Muslim Militancy and the Christian A. Johnson Chairholder in International Affairs and Middle East Studies at Sarah Lawrence College.

Dr. Gerges joins us once again to discuss the impact of Jihadists. He states, “A Jihadist is an Islamic activist who wants to replace the secular state with Islamic Sharia Law with all means at their disposal including violence and terrorism to bring about their Utopia.”  But he says, “we’re talking about a tiny group, thousands, not millions.”

Dr. Gerges  goes on to talk about the limited group of extremists such as Al Qaeda,“who manipulate and distort Islam in order to garner political support at home.” He acquaints viewers further with why he conducted his studies, spending over 16 months in the Middle East region, interviewing Jihadists as well as mainstream Muslims. Dr. Gerges helps us to better understand what caused this problem.

Join us to get a clearer perspective on how the Jihadist movement has changed since its inception in the 1970’s beginning in Egyptian Universities as a socialist movement.  Through this episode you’ll also gain a more thorough understanding of how we got to 9/11 and where the dangers still remain.

Niki Nicastro McCuistion
Executive Producer/Producer



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Interviews with National Leaders: Senator John Thune - Part 2 of 3
Interviews with National Leaders: Senator Tim Johnson - Part 3 of 3