McCuistion TV offers a rare mix of today’s most pressing topics – often national or even global in nature but playing-out locally – that everyone’s talking or wondering about. Informed, seasoned hosts question guests who bring unique experience and expertise in a fun, lively give­ and-take that is more in depth than local news programs and more local than national news. In a world where 74% of American worry about fake or false news being used as a weapon, McCuistion TV can be trusted to be talking about things that matter with people who care.

Robert Hall
Recovering CEO, author, speaker on relationships

Over the past 13 years I have gotten to know Dennis McCuistion and n, Niki McCuistion, and have always been impressed with their ability to interview acknowledged experts in so many different fields and help the average viewer understand even complex subjects and current events.

I highly recommend the show to anyone who wishes to stay on top of important events and issues facing our country.

Richard Bowen
Citigroup Whistleblower

The McCuistion TV show is the smartest show on area television. The words ‘smart’ and ‘television’ rarely go together in TV land, which makes this longtime stalwart even more precious.

Dave Lieber
Dallas Morning News columnist

The level of trust we have in the media has declined to an all-time low. At times like these, with the COVID-l 9 pandemic, social unrest, and global changes raging, we must have media we can trust. For more than three decades, McCuistion TV, every Sunday morning on KERA/PBS, has been that outlet With insightful content, knowledgeable expert guests, honest dialogue, and inquisitive hosts, this is a media source I can trust.

Terry Paulson, Ph.D.
Author: Reclaiming Optimism to Make Change Work, op-ed columnist for and

I found the behind-the-scenes process to be streamlined, useful, and informative. The recording process flowed and the guests had opposing yet mostly objective and fair viewpoints that represented the American public. I would definitely appear on the show again.

Rashawn Ray, Ph.D.
Senior Fellow Governance Studies
The Brookings lnstitution

The level of trust we have in the media had declined to an all- time low. At times like these, with the COVID-19 pandemic, social unrest, and global changes raging, we must have media we can trust. For more than three decades, McCuistion TV, Sunday mornings on KERA/PBS, has been that outlet. With insightful content, knowledgeable expert guests, honest dialogue, and inquisitive hosts, this is a media source I can trust.

Yoram Solomon, Ph.D.
Author, The Book of TRUST
Host, The TRUST Show Podcast

I’ve appeared several times on McCuistion TV, and each time has been a real joy. The topics are timely and relevant, but also deeper than the typical TV fare. The show takes a step back from the news of the moment and explores the bigger picture. The hosts are engaging and curious. They always ask smart questions, ones not designed to show off their knowledge but, instead, to elevate the conversation. Their only agenda is to dive deep into the topic at hand. McCuistion TV is living proof that engaging, intelligent television is alive and well!

Eric Weiner
Bestselling author of The Geography of Bliss and other books

We have known the McCuistion program for many years. We believe it is a much-needed objective voice on public television. George Friedrnru1 has been interviewed numerous times over the years by their excellent hosts.

The McCuistion’ s cover important topics in a highly professional and educational format with very knowledgeable guests. It’s a must watch for any person wanting to become more informed on the issues of our time.

Meredith Friedman
Vice President, Geopolitical Futures

It was quite a privilege for me to appear in the McCuistion program: “South Africa: the End of Disinvestment and Apartheid.” …I do not think that we have anything as good as appearing in a live program where one also has the opportunity to interact with others in the audience as is the case in your program.

Mangosuthu G. Buthelezi
Chief Minister of Kwarulu, President: Inkatha Freedom Party

McCuistion does the public a great service by dealing with issues which receive only minimal coverage from the mainstream media, By setting a lively pace for the discussion, or debate as the case may be, Dennis keeps the show moving while making sure all points of view are given equal consideration.

The result is a program that is educational as well as entertaining.

Sam Johnson
Member of Congress

This is to let you know how important the work you are doing is to those of us working in the field. I recently appeared in your TV shows, “Inside the Criminal Mind” and “Crime and Punishment.” The interchange that occurred on both shows was, I felt, instructive and relevant… I have used the videos as instructional aids in my class at Southern Methodist University and have found that the material generates a high degree of student participation and raises important questions.

Charles W. Fawns
Department of Sociology. Southern Methodist University

Without question, the McCuistion program is the finest public affairs program broadcast in North Texas. Dennis McCuistion’s ability to deal with a broad range of regional, national and global policy issues in a fair and articulate manner makes him a unique commentator and discussion leader.

His panelists always represent a balanced spectrum of opinion.

Bernard L. Weinstein
Director and Professor of Applied Economics, University of North Texas

One of the more thought stimulating television series on television is McCuistion. Through judicious selection of relevant and timely topics, attraction of informed discussants, and probing questions … this program serves to enlighten the public on substantive current and future issues…. Television needs more productions of McCuistion quality. I and many colleagues, friends and students in our region watch this program on KAMU TV. It is common to have the show’s topics discussed over lunch, coffee and at social functions. We are better informed and better citizens because of this program.

William H. Mobley
Former President, Texas A&M University

Dennis McCuistion’s show is just what Americans need. We need to challenge conventional wisdom and have someone stand up and tell the emperor that be stands before us naked. The McCuistion Program, addressing all sides of issues, is an important step in that direction.

Walter E. Williams
Professor of Economics, George Mason University

I am a proponent of the McCuistion programming; currently available to me through KDTN Dallas television… I do not watch much television at all, and have very little time for such; I “make time” regularly for this special programming. The McCuistion programming is on issues of substance, is timely and is well targeted. Dennis McCuistion is a knowledgeable narrator and mediator; Niki McCuistion has a talent for appropriately mixing panelists and studio audiences. Their programs accurately reflect the pulse of our times, focusing on topics and issues of today.

Trammel S. Crow
Chief Executive Officer
Trammel Crow International

The McCuistion Program does an outstanding job The topics have been timely, informative and well presented…. Overall, I think it is a very well done program and serves as an excellent public service.

Harvey R. Mitchell
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Retired
Bank One. Texas, NA

The McCuistion program has been an invaluable addition to Dallas-Fort Worth television. Niki and Dennis McCuistion are committed to programming that covers topics of interest to a broad spectrum of people who care. The issues they discuss are ones of substance in the areas of politics, business, and the economy, and they examine these subjects by employing the audience in substantial dialogue, using both humor and relevance to keep the program moving at a pace that is entertaining and informative.

Nancy G. Brinker
Founding Chairman Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation

This is a program that deals with “issues of substance” that we can learn from and take action on. It is not a typical “talk show,” America needs to see and hear it. It has class and I am proud to have been a guest and look forward to doing it again.

Howard D. Putnam
Former CEO of Southwest Airlines, CEO of Braniff International, Group VP Marketing of United Airlines

As both a panelist and a frequent viewer of the McCuistion Program, I want to add my voice to the chorus praising the show, Dennis and Niki McCuistion and their excellent staff have put together a tremendously interesting and entertaining show, which is one of the few opportunities for participants to engage in a meaningful dialogue on important questions.

Paul Coggins
Attorney at Law
U.S. Attorney, Northern District of Texas

Dennis McCuistion’s ability to produce a quality talk/interview show is outstanding. I have worked with Dennis many years. His grasp of issues, political, economic, and social, is complete. Along with bis wife, Niki, he has brought to the air many excellent broadcasts with great impact on the Dallas/Fort Worth audience.

John A. McKay
Former President & Chief Executive Officer
KDFJ TV. Dallas/Fort Worth

I felt Mr. McCuistion exhibited a tremendous ability to involve the audience and the panelists in a manner that not only answered the factual questions, but reached the participants on a “feeling” level. To me, the program had a very good mix of fact, feeling, and levity.

Robert E. Hughes
National Association for the Self-Employed