Graphic showing the episode title: The Ukraine War: Is the End in Sight?, with an image of Jim Falk on the right.The Ukraine War - Is the End in Sight?
Ben & Me: Leadership Insights from Our Founding FathersBen & Me: Leadership Insights from Our Founding Fathers

Joining host Jim Falk are:

Jeremi Suri, Ph.D., a professor of history at the University of Texas. Dr Suri is the author and editor of eleven books on politics and foreign policy and he is the host of a weekly podcast, “This is Democracy,” and

Paul C. Watler, Attorney/Partner, at Jackson Walker, LLP. Paul is a First Amendment litigator and a nationally recognized expert in First Amendment law.

Our guests address free speech, and university neutrality—especially in light of the recent controversies over the war in Gaza.

Dr. Suri, who experienced the protests firsthand on his University of Texas Austin campus, says,” On April 24 and April 29, campus and Austin police were brought in, certainly appropriate if there is concern of disruption.

However, what struck me was the political triumph of bringing the police in. It seemed to be a public display of toughness rather than necessity, more of a political stance.”

Paul Watler discusses Harvard’s response to campus protests, highlighting suspension, dialogue, and a new political neutrality policy, and explains how free speech rights apply differently in public vs. private universities. And where free speech principles do not apply.

Join us to hear more about how universities are increasingly adopting policies of neutrality on politically controversial issues. And why they are walking a tightrope between upholding free speech and ensuring campus safety.



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Graphic showing the episode title: The Ukraine War: Is the End in Sight?, with an image of Jim Falk on the right.The Ukraine War - Is the End in Sight?
Ben & Me: Leadership Insights from Our Founding FathersBen & Me: Leadership Insights from Our Founding Fathers