Expert guests Jonathan Rauch and Ernest Owens discuss Cancel Culture with host Vince Poscente on Perspectives Matter.Cancel Culture: A Political Hot Potato? (2902)
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Joining Host Jim Falk for a robust discussion on our present U.S. Saudi relationship are:

Robert Jordan, who served as U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia during the two years immediately following the 9/11 attacks. He is the author of Desert Diplomat: Inside Saudi Arabia Following 9/11, and

Gregory Gause, Ph.D., Professor of International Affairs at the Texas A&M University’s Bush School of Government and Public Service. 

For most Americans, Saudi Arabia remains a dark mystery. According to a recent survey by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, the American public has never had more negative feelings toward the country.

Among the reasons are our perceptions of their blatant human rights abuses, that 15 of the 19 terrorists involved in the 9/11 attack were Saudi, and the re-establishing of Saudi- Iran relationships. The price we pay at the pump also influences our views.

But much is happening there that merits a deeper look. Reforms, that could not have been imagined over a decade ago, like allowing women to drive, and travel without a male guardian are now accepted.

Knowing that its economy is based on a finite resource-oil, the Government is banking on an ambitious economic plan called Vision 2030.

Join us for the rest of the story.

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Expert guests Jonathan Rauch and Ernest Owens discuss Cancel Culture with host Vince Poscente on Perspectives Matter.Cancel Culture: A Political Hot Potato? (2902)
ChatGPT: The Next AI “Tool”!ChatGPT: The Next AI "Tool"! (2911)