What We Need to Know About Mass Shootings (2819)What We Need to Know About Mass Shootings (2819)
Re-Air: The Geography and Economics of Happiness (2801)Re-Air: The Geography and Economics of Happiness (2801)

Joining host Vince Poscente are:

Peter Langman, Ph.D., Psychologist, author of Warning Signs: Identifying School Shooters Before They Strike,

Mark Follman, National Affairs Director: Mother Jones, author of Trigger Points: Inside the Mission to Stop Mass Shootings in America, and

Katherine Schweit, Retired FBI, Special Agent, author of Stop the Killing: How to End the Mass Shooting Crisis.

Our experts say that some mass shootings can be averted through threat assessments, the community and officials working together to prevent them.

The family and friends of a mass shooter, as well as school officials, see potential signs and yet may ignore them. The justifications: I don’t believe “he” would do this, I can’t be right, it’s nothing, I’m not a snitch, I’m afraid to report this.

Yet when there are signs, which our experts have outlined, of increasing anger, resentments, frustrations, coupled with actions such as buying a gun, threats towards others, etc., saying something to officials who can investigate further can prevent loss of lives.

Shooters don’t just snap ­­– the killings are premeditated, the signs are there, and while law officials and the FBI are doing a lot to work with schools and businesses, individuals need to do their part as well.

If you SEE Something, our experts say, SAY Something.

Help save lives.

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Niki McCuistion, Co-Founder, Executive Producer

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What We Need to Know About Mass Shootings (2819)What We Need to Know About Mass Shootings (2819)
Re-Air: The Geography and Economics of Happiness (2801)Re-Air: The Geography and Economics of Happiness (2801)