Screen shot of Dennis McCuistion, Jim Falk, Katy Montgomery and Richard A. Clarke discussing ransomware on the McCuistion Program.Beware: Ransomware’s on the Rise! (2625)
Cyberwarfare: The Fifth DomainCyberwarfare: The Fifth Domain (2701)

Mail-in voting has been a contentious issue during this 2020 presidential election year. Yet because of the pandemic, to date more Americans than ever before are choosing to vote by mail. While voting by mail has been in place since the civil war, there is a great deal of controversy being circulated as to its validity. In fact, mail-in ballots and supposed voter fraud have become a political outcry and the cause for serious concern over our overall election system.

Jim Falk, Carol C. Donovan, J. Matthew Wilson, Dennis McCuistion and Hans von Spakovsky discuss voter fraud and mail-in ballots.

Joining hosts Dennis McCuistion and Jim Falk to talk about this political hot potato are guests:

J. Matthew Wilson, Ph.D.Associate Professor of Political Science, Dedman College of Humanities and Sciences,

Carol C, Donovan, JDDallas County Democratic Party Chair, and

Hans von Spakovsky Senior legal fellow in The Heritage Foundation’s Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies. 

In the last several years the Heritage Foundation’s research has uncovered:
1,298 Proven instances of voter fraud – which has resulted in:
1,121 Criminal convictions
48 Civil Penalties
95 Diversion Program
17 Judicial findings
17 Official findings

Today’s challenging pandemic environment means more early voting and voting by mail. How will this impact our 2020 election outcomes?

We welcome your feedback.

Niki McCuistion,

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Screen shot of Dennis McCuistion, Jim Falk, Katy Montgomery and Richard A. Clarke discussing ransomware on the McCuistion Program.Beware: Ransomware’s on the Rise! (2625)
Cyberwarfare: The Fifth DomainCyberwarfare: The Fifth Domain (2701)