Re-air: Should the Electoral College Be Changed? (2609)Re-air: Should the Electoral College Be Changed? (2609)
Screen shot of Dennis McCuistion, Jim Falk, Katy Montgomery and Richard A. Clarke discussing ransomware on the McCuistion Program.Beware: Ransomware’s on the Rise! (2625)

This year’s protest against police violence has filled our news headlines and news programs. Civilians have called for police defunding and other measures aimed to curtail police authority. Violence against police, as well as police suicides, is also on the rise.

Dennis McCuistion, Alex del Carmen, Jim Falk, and B.J. Wagner discuss The Truth About Police Violence.

Joining hosts: Dennis McCuistion and Jim Falk to talk about these issues and the underlying causes are:

Alex del Carmen, Ph.D.,
Associate Dean and Professor School of Criminology, Criminal Justice and Strategic Studies, Tarleton State University, 

Jeff Spivey,
Chief of Police with the Irving, Texas Police Department, Board of Directors for the Police Executive Research Forum, and

B.J. Wagner,
Executive Director of the Caruth Police Institute, Senior Fellow of Justice System Policy, Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute.

The program promises some surprising insights as it looks at the underlying causes of most police violence and offers solutions.

Chief Jeff Spivey, Niki McCuistion, and Jim Falk.

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Thanks for watching as we continue talking about things that matter with people who care. 

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Niki McCuistion,

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Re-air: Should the Electoral College Be Changed? (2609)Re-air: Should the Electoral College Be Changed? (2609)
Screen shot of Dennis McCuistion, Jim Falk, Katy Montgomery and Richard A. Clarke discussing ransomware on the McCuistion Program.Beware: Ransomware’s on the Rise! (2625)