Vaccinations: Is there any risk? (2603)Vaccinations: Is there any risk? (2603)
Personal and Cyberthreats You Must Know About     (2602)Personal and Cyberthreats You Must Know About (2602)
Intelligence today is far more sophisticated than ever. The threats are larger. Today our adversaries are more invisible, highly motivated and not governed by any constraints, legal or moral, so intelligence is considerably more difficult, challenging, dangerous and expensive.

L to R: Dennis McCuistion, Jim Falk, and Matthew J. DeSarno

Intelligence’s job: to create a resource that gathers, collects, analyzes and acts on intelligence focused on stopping foreign attacks on domestic soil. The bottom line, to keep Americans safe and to uphold our Constitution.

Joining co- hosts, Dennis McCuistion and Jim Falk, are:
  •  Matthew J. DeSarno: Special Agent in Charge, Dallas Field Office, Federal Bureau of Investigation;
  • Lea Carpenter: Author of Red, White, Blue;
  • Ned Price: Former CIA Analyst, Director of Policy and Communication at National Security Action and MSNBC contributor, and
  • James M. Olson: Former Chief of CIA Counterintelligence, Director of Operations.

Today our main threats are #1 China; the Chinese government sponsors theft of intellectual property. It is predicated that by 2025 their strategic intent is to have market share over 10 areas including aviation. Russia is still an issue as is surprisingly, Cuba, which has critically penetrated our security.

9/11 changed the scale and intensity of our intelligence systems. Our efforts continue on the messaging of ISIS and their renewed efforts in the U.S as many who do not go overseas to join their “forces” cause havoc in the U.S.
Our intelligence costs us $60 billion a year. Our hosts ask: Are we getting our monies worth?
Thank you for your continued support. The McCuistion Program, a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization does not receive any KERA pledge dollars, PBS funds or government grants. The funding which has kept us on the air for 29 years comes from our grantors and viewers.
Be sure to watch more McCuistion TV programs on our website,
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Join us to discuss another controversial viewpoint on McCuistion, where as always we are talking about things that matter with people who care.

And once again we are honored to be underwritten by The Hatton W. Sumner’s Foundation, Inc. The McCuistion Program, a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization does not receive any KERA pledge dollars, PBS funds or government grants. The funding which has kept us on the air for 28 years comes from grantors and viewers just like you. So thank you for your continued support.

Be sure to watch more McCuistion TV programs on our website,

We appreciate you,

Niki McCuistion, CSP
Co-founder/ Executive Producer
Certified Speaker, Coach, Consultant
Transforming Corporate Culture…
Aligning Purpose, Performance and People
(214) 394-6794 |
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2601 – 11.10.2019

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Perspectives Matter is a McCuistion Program and as part of a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization does not receive any pledge dollars, PBS funds, or government grants. The funding that has kept us on the air for 33-plus years comes from our grantors and loyal viewers. Your donation allows us to continue to hold engaging programs that provide different perspectives. To be a catalyst for change, support our TV programs. Thank you for your support and for watching.

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Vaccinations: Is there any risk? (2603)Vaccinations: Is there any risk? (2603)
Personal and Cyberthreats You Must Know About     (2602)Personal and Cyberthreats You Must Know About (2602)