Gun Violence: Are There Solutions?Gun Violence: Are There Solutions?
Civil Asset ForfeitureCivil Asset Forfeiture

Joining host Dennis McCuistion are:

L to R: Brent E. Christopher, David J. Scullin, & Tammy Richards

Nonprofits are under fire and not just because of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act signed into law in December. Texas is a very philanthropic state, however with a growing number of nonprofits, many of which have similar missions, there is more competition for the same dollars.

Our experts are concerned about the new tax laws and how they will influence giving in 2019 and for good reason. In 2016 giving was at $390 billion. Individual giving was at 72%- $281.86 billion. Foundations gave 15%, $59.28 billion, Bequests were at 8%, $30.36 billion and Corporations gave 5%, $18.55 billion. Studies are definitely showing that trend will not continue.

While giving has risen steadily as the economy grows, according to a report by the Fundraising Effectiveness Project the number of gifts in excess of $250 in the first three months of 2018 declined compared with the same time period in 2017.

In November of 2017, the Tax Policy Center published a projection by Joseph Rosenberg and Philip Stallworth that estimated charitable giving could drop between $12.3 billion and $19.7 billion.

A new analysis by the American Enterprise Institute has charitable giving by individuals in 2018 declining by $16.3 billion, assuming a modest economic growth. With no economic growth, the study predicts a $17.2 billion decline in giving, or 4 percent. The analysis attributes four-fifths of the projected decline in giving to an increase in the number of taxpayers who will claim the standard deduction under the new tax law.

And a study by the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at Indiana University estimated the doubling of the standard deduction would reduce charitable giving by $13.1 billion annually. Human-service groups could be especially hard hit, according to one projection.

There are numerous changes on the horizon. More individuals are volunteering. We are seeing more interest in individuals contributing through donor advised funds. And questions are being asked about charities which share a common mission joining forces to better serve the community and have a stronger impact.

Join our guests to learn more about how the new laws will impact you and the charities in our communities.

And once again we are honored to be underwritten by The Hatton W. Sumner’s Foundation, Inc. The McCuistion Program, a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization does not receive any KERA pledge dollars, PBS funds or government grants. The funding which has kept us on the air for 28 years comes from grantors and viewers just like you. So thank you for your continued support.

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We appreciate you,

Niki McCuistion, CSP
Co-founder/ Executive Producer
Certified Speaker, Coach, Consultant
Strategist in organizational culture
(214) 394-6794 |
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Many thanks for your continued support!


2501 – 7.8.18

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Perspectives Matter is a McCuistion Program and as part of a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization does not receive any pledge dollars, PBS funds, or government grants. The funding that has kept us on the air for 33-plus years comes from our grantors and loyal viewers. Your donation allows us to continue to hold engaging programs that provide different perspectives. To be a catalyst for change, support our TV programs. Thank you for your support and for watching.

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Gun Violence: Are There Solutions?Gun Violence: Are There Solutions?
Civil Asset ForfeitureCivil Asset Forfeiture