Gun Violence: Its Causes and ScopeGun Violence: Its Causes and Scope
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Are our second amendment rights endangered if firearms are restricted? Or is gun reform the “smart” answer to a growing problem with gun violence?

The recent tragic incidents of mass shootings have many questioning our rights to bear arms.

L to R: Vicka Chaplin, MA, MPH, Rev. Wes McGruder, and Sheila Levantino

Join host Dennis McCuistion and our well informed guests who discuss the issues involved and offer potential solutions.


  • Stephen P. Halbrook – Senior Fellow, Independent Institute, Author: Gun Control in Nazi Occupied France,
  • Vicka Chaplin, MA, MPH: Director of Health Programs, Coalition to Stop Gun Violence,
  • Rev. Wes McGruder: Senior Pastor, Kessler Park United Methodist Church, Faith Forward Dallas,
  • Sheila Levantino: Advisory Board Member, Texas Gun Sense, a policy making and advocacy group that polices legislation and formulates reasonable policies for gun reform and not gun control.

The recent NRA conference in Dallas brought out a crowd for firearms and the right to carry as well as those who protested the premise of all citizens to be able to “bear arms”.

Gun Violence: Are There Solutions?Our panelists are on many different sides of the issue, from that of any restriction is a step on the slippery slope to gun confiscation, to stricter background checks, funding for the CDC (Center for Disease Control) for further research for the causes and consequences of gun violence, banning bump stocks and banning weapons that fire more than one round.

The panelists talked about the extreme risk laws which can be called upon when it is legally determined someone is at risk- and what firearms they may own or have access to are restricted or even confiscated. Presently eight states have adopted this law. In Connecticut, the risk law research shows that for every 10-20 people at risk the at risk law saved one person from a potential suicide.
Other laws: someone convicted of a felony may not own a gun, nor can an individual who has been in a mental institution.

Overall our guests agree that better data is needed to more clearly understand and deal with the present firearm situation. Tune in for more information on what solutions might or might not work to an escalating situation.

And once again we are honored to be underwritten by The Hatton W. Sumner’s Foundation, Inc. The McCuistion Program, a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization does not receive any KERA pledge dollars, PBS funds or government grants. The funding which has kept us on the air for 28 years comes from grantors and viewers just like you. So thank you for your continued support.

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Niki McCuistion, CSP
Co-founder/ Executive Producer
Certified Speaker, Coach, Consultant
Strategist in organizational culture.
(214) 394-6794 |
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Gun Violence: Its Causes and ScopeGun Violence: Its Causes and Scope
Nonprofits Today: Are They At Risk?Nonprofits Today: Are They At Risk?