Glenn Greenwald and Edward Snowden: Journalism and National Security – Part OneGlenn Greenwald and Edward Snowden: Journalism and National Security - Part One
Freedom of the Press in a World of Intolerance (Re-Air)

What is the role of journalism? Is there a significant failure on the part of journalism which instead of pursuing critical investigation and scrutiny is too often working in tandem with government? Does a relationship between journalists and government officials prevent the American media from being watchdogs over government? Are journalists now a division of corporate America- the media division? And have journalists and citizen journalists gone too far and endangered national security?

Glenn Greenwald and Edward Snowden: Journalism and National Security – Part Two

Panelists from Part 1 & 2 – Left to Right: Daxton “Chip” Stewart, PhD, Dee Smith, Tod Robberson, Niki McCuistion, Dennis McCuistion and Charles “Chip” Babcock

Joining us is Glenn Greenwald, cited as one of today’s most controversial journalists. He is co-founder of the Intercept Papers and author of No Place to Hide. Greenwald believes that media has in fact deviated from its role of watchdog to become servants and spokespeople for the government. He cites the breakdown in the coverage of the Iraq war, when supposedly respected journalists repetitively quoted anonymous sources and used little to no investigative scrutiny on stories which made the front page of the New York Times.

Our other guests include:

  • Tod Robberson – Former Editorial Writer with the Dallas Morning News, now with the St. Louis Times Dispatch,
  • Daxton “Chip” Stewart, PhD – Associate Dean, Associate Professor, Bob Schieffer College of Communication, and
  • Charles, “Chip” Babcock, Partner, Jackson Walker, L.L.P.

Our guests agree, government needs checks and balances, adversaries who monitor what they say. In order to sustain democracy a critical check for those in power at any level, government, corporations etc. is needed. Yet too often media has become integrated into the halls of power, rather than remain outside of it.

Many media outlets are now owned by corporate America. So rather than be controversial, media is playing safe. Yet independence is critical to reporting. There is a concern that individual freedom and liberty is now exchanged for security. At what price? Is security the all-important paramount value? If individual liberty and independence are equally important then we will continue to incur greater risks.

Glenn Greenwald and Edward Snowden: Journalism and National Security – Part One

Left to Right: Niki McCuistion, Glenn Greenwald and Dennis McCuistion

There is a price to a free democratic press and society. Our experts pose questions and provide answers in this provocative and lively discussion. The panelists agree, there is still terrific journalism being done. And it is far from just being print. Bloggers and the Internet open new doors and bring more scrutiny…

The bottom line, a free press is the cornerstone of democracy. Join us as this is truly a conversation of things that matter with people who care.

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Warm regards,

Niki McCuistion
Co-Founder, Executive Producer, Producer
Business Consultant / Executive Coach, specializing in Organizational Culture Change, Governance and Strategic Planning
(214) 394-6794

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2302 – 02.07.16

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Glenn Greenwald and Edward Snowden: Journalism and National Security – Part OneGlenn Greenwald and Edward Snowden: Journalism and National Security - Part One
Freedom of the Press in a World of Intolerance (Re-Air)