Re-Air: The Impact of Technology on Higher Education: A Brave New World – Part One
Re-Air: 25 Years of McCuistion: A Brief History of ImmigrationRe-Air: 25 Years of McCuistion: A Brief History of Immigration

New ways of learning are challenging the traditional higher education model!  This program explores the every changing scope of how teachers are teaching and students are learning.

Joining Dennis McCuistion are guest panelists:

One example of the changing model is Sal Khan‘s, Khan Academy. Austin College recently brought Sal Khan to Dallas. The Khan Academy’s mission is to get world-class education to everyone in the world for free. Using short video clips and digital content, students engage in a very different way.

To learn more from the original blog post, visit the following link: The Impact of Technology on Higher Education – Part Two.

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Re-Air: The Impact of Technology on Higher Education: A Brave New World – Part One
Re-Air: 25 Years of McCuistion: A Brief History of ImmigrationRe-Air: 25 Years of McCuistion: A Brief History of Immigration