Think Tanks, Philosophy and Rational Self-InterestThink Tanks, Philosophy and Rational Self-Interest
Re-Air: Make Your Brain Smarter – Part TwoRe-Air: Make Your Brain Smarter - Part Two

Joining us are brain health experts:

  • Sina Aslan, PhD: Imaging Specialist, Center for BrainHealth, UT – Dallas
  • Sandra Chapman, PhD: Chief Director and Founder, Center for BrainHealth, UT – Dallas
  • Eric Bennett, CPA: Executive Director, Brain Performance Institute at the Center for BrainHealth

We can live to 100 years of age; however, if our brain is not healthy our quality of life suffers in direct proportion. The good news is there is much we can do to assure brain health. The not so good news is that our brain span peaks in middle age (ages 42-48). Memory starts declining after age 20, but it’s the slope of decline that matters. Yet, while our brains are aging and our memory may not be as sharp, a lot can be done to prevent it from slipping as rapidly.

The BrainHealth Center is devoted to studies for keeping our brain healthy, how the brain adapts and its speed of functioning. Their studies show that our brain can change in hours – far faster than our bodies can. With a little effort, we can change our brain for the better by the activities we engage in – just like we exercise  our bodies. We can do this by interviewing, questioning, being curious, reading and synthesizing data, among others. Believe it or not, these activities are better for keeping our brains active and healthy than standard crossword puzzles and anagrams.

Certain things we once thought true are not fact. They may instead be devastating to our brain health. For instance, working 24/7 builds up cortisone. If we overuse our brain there can be a resulting loss in productivity and result in sick days. Multitasking is actually harmful to our health; sequential single tasking works far better.

Our brains are the most powerful tools in the world. Yet we can choose to not use our brain effectively. According to our experts, people who use their brain are happier. With brain physicals, training, and assessments our strategic memory can advance. And while our brain can overcome almost anything, we can improve its ability and health by focusing on what builds the brain. The best advice is still, eat healthy, sleep 8 hours a night, and keep moving – exercise is essential to our brain health.

As always we continue talking about things that matter with people who care… still going strong in our 25 th year, with no PBS funding, pledge monies, or government grants. We appreciate your continued support.

Niki Nicastro McCuistion, CSP
Executive Producer/Producer
Business/ nonprofit consultant in strategy, leadership and
organizational development from customer service to governance.

To learn more about this episode, visit the original blog: Make Your Brain Smarter – Part One or watch the episode below.

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Think Tanks, Philosophy and Rational Self-InterestThink Tanks, Philosophy and Rational Self-Interest
Re-Air: Make Your Brain Smarter – Part TwoRe-Air: Make Your Brain Smarter - Part Two