Conscious Capitalism: Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business – Part OneConscious Capitalism: Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business - Part One
Wealth of States – Part OneWealth of States - Part One

While crony capitalism has given capitalism a bad name, capitalism itself is the greatest wealth provider ever known.

Conscious capitalism has an even higher purpose, that of inspiring stakeholders with a sense of passion and purpose, a dedication to the organization’s mission and an authenticity that leads to empowered, engaged employees, and loyal customers, which in turn creates even more profit and value.

  • Left to Right: Raj Sisodia, Dennis McCuistion, Scott Miller, Niki McCuistion & Whitney Johns Martin

    Left to Right: Raj Sisodia, Niki McCuistion, Scott Miller, Dennis McCuistion & Whitney Johns Martin

    Raj Sisodia PhD – Co-Founder and Trustee of Conscious Capitalism, Inc., Co-Author of Conscious Capitalism and Firms of Endearment

  • Whitney Johns Martin – Co-Founder/ Managing Director of Texas Women’s Ventures
  • Scott Miller – President of Interstate Batteries

Short interviews are also included with Jack Lowe, retired CEO of TD Industries and Conscious Capitalism co-founder John Mackey of Whole Foods. Mackey says, “Business is the greatest value creator in the world. Everyone has the potential for a higher purpose. We value our employees, customers, vendors and the community and follow the four tenets of conscious capitalism.”

Whitney Johns Martin works with companies and investors who believe in the values of conscious capitalism and want to invest in companies that follow its precepts. Scott Miller of Interstate Batteries, which is now in its 62nd year, assures the principles are followed within their own company. A purpose driven conscious company, they do business by the Golden Rule and firmly believe in the tenets of conscious capitalism.

Kip Tindell and Melissa Reiff of the Container Store, which is consistently ranked in Fortune 500’s best companies to work for, and who join us via a prior interview, state, “We focus on employees first. We feel a moral obligation to make sure they get out of bed in the morning and enjoy their work and are committed to it.”

untitled-0275Raj Sisodia says, conscious capitalism is about building alignments; conscious leaders who inspire a passion for the organization’s mission and purpose and build a culture of trust, love and caring, loyalty, integrity, transparency and empowerment. “Those companies that get this make more profit and keep employees, as well as customers, loyal.”

Tune in to learn more of how the tenets of conscious capitalism can be applied in your own workplace – to build performance and profitability and keep employees excited about their work contribution.

Niki Nicastro McCuistion, CSP
Executive Producer/ Producer
Management Analyst, Speaker, Consultant
(214) 394-6794
Google+ Profile

10.19.14 – 2216

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Conscious Capitalism: Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business – Part OneConscious Capitalism: Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business - Part One
Wealth of States – Part OneWealth of States - Part One