Will Your Investments Outlive You?Will Your Investments Outlive You?
Airing this Sunday at 12:00 PM on KERAWall Street: Capitol of Greed or Builder of Capital?

Wall Street: Capitol of Greed or Builder of Capital?

Airing at 12:00 PM on KERA this Sunday, May 6th

The virtual loss in 2008 of the large investment bankers on Wall Street was shocking. The forced sale of Bear Stearns, the bankruptcy of Lehman, the controversial sale of Merrill Lynch and the changes at Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley have rocked the world.

This program addresses several areas that led to our system almost going down:

– Where were mistakes made and by whom? What changes are needed and by whom?
– What is the current mood of investors and how do they feel about corporate performance?
– What about Madoff, Stanford and other frauds?

Panelists Include:

For more information browse our website or call Niki McCuistion at (214) 394-6794 or email at nikin@nikimccuistion.com.

As always thank you for watching as we talk about things that matter with people who care…
 Niki McCuistion

Executive Producer/ Producer

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Will Your Investments Outlive You?Will Your Investments Outlive You?
Airing this Sunday at 12:00 PM on KERAWall Street: Capitol of Greed or Builder of Capital?