Friday News Round Up - Job Rate, Toyota Apologizes, Obama and the Dalai Lama
Friday News Update: Bill Clinton, Online Retail & the Dalai Lama

The McCuistion Program premieres in Las Vegas starting February 7th, with the series Twenty Years of McCuistion – Part One: Education and Our Children.

Time and Channel: 4:00 PM PST – Vegas PBS Rewind, Cox Cable, Channel 110

If you’re in Vegas, tune in and let your Vegas friends and colleagues know.  This is one time that “what happens in Vegas  should not stay in Vegas”.

For the last several years we’ve attended Freedom Fest– Las Vegas and interviewed key thought leaders at the PBS studio including: Steve Forbes, Steve Moore, Daniel Mitchell, David Boaz and Richard Rahn, Charles Murray (author of The Bell Curve), Michelle  Muccio (Acton Institute), Mark Skousen, and numerous others.  So, it is with great pride and pleasure that we are now available on the Las Vegas PBS station.

Vegas PBS is southern Nevada’s local PBS affiliate.  The company also programs 13 additional television and cable public service media channels and produces over 700 hours a year of local programming. The mission of Vegas PBS is to use telecommunications technology and local outreach activities to support the educational, cultural, health, safety and civic needs of Southern Nevada by creating and acquiring content that informs, entertains, and improves people’s lives.

Vegas PBS also offers multimedia products and educational services directly to classrooms, homes and businesses, along with extensive local outreach efforts targeted at literacy and health.  The company serves 1 million a month with its TV and cable channels, records over 12 million classroom student viewings of downloaded digital media every year, enrolls over 7,000 people a year in “for-credit” classes, and receives over 6 million web page visits a year.

In 2010, Vegas PBS will dedicate a new 108,000 square foot Educational Technology Campus which will allow low cost production and storage of digital media on multiple distribution platforms.  The goal is to meet the public safety, public education, public health, workforce development and cultural access needs and aspirations of southern Nevada. The facility has been designed to incorporate a large number of sustainable building features, furnishings and equipment standards as established by national certification organizations making it the “greenest” television station in North America.

We welcome your questions and comments. I can be reached at (214) 394-6794.

As always thanks for watching as we talk about things that matter… with people who care.


Niki Nicastro McCuistion
Executive Producer/Producer

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Perspectives Matter is a McCuistion Program and as part of a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization does not receive any pledge dollars, PBS funds, or government grants. The funding that has kept us on the air for 33-plus years comes from our grantors and loyal viewers. Your donation allows us to continue to hold engaging programs that provide different perspectives. To be a catalyst for change, support our TV programs. Thank you for your support and for watching.

Many thanks for your continued support!

Friday News Round Up - Job Rate, Toyota Apologizes, Obama and the Dalai Lama
Friday News Update: Bill Clinton, Online Retail & the Dalai Lama